




Philippine Strategic Outlook 2024 Onwards: National Security and Economic Resilience

6th Katipunan Conference

Foreign policy analysts point to an imminent cold war set to bifurcate the global economy between one group of countries allied with the United States and another aligned with China and Russia. Navigating this new economic and geopolitical terrain will be critical for many countries that seek to chart stable and sustained pathways for both economic development and national security.



The Role of CSOs in working with the Government to Advance Competitiveness and Inclusive Growth

CSO Forum

The LoGIC project is gathering its civil society organizations (CSOs) partners working on integrity building and good local governance, inclusive growth, and competitiveness from the target provinces for the CSO Forum entitled, “The Role of CSOs in working with Government to Advance Competitiveness and Inclusive Growth” to be held on 18-20 June 2019.


Rethinking Liberal Democracy

2019 PPSA International Conference

In partnership with the Philippine Political Science Association (PPSA), Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) Philippines will hold an international conference entitled, Rethinking Liberal Democracy in Clark, Pampanga.


The Changing Nature of Democratic Politics

A Roundtable Discussion

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) Philippines believes that active youth participation is deemed significant in a democracy. In line with this advocacy, the KAS will hold an event for the youth entitled, "The Changing Nature of Democratic Politics: A Roundtable Discussion". This event will be held on Monday, 29 April 2019 at the Discovery Primea Makati.


Implementing the Bangsamoro Organic Law: Roundtable/Lecture Series

Supervision and Oversight of the National Government of BARMM and the BTA

Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Philippines' partner, the Institute for Autonomy and Governance, is set to undertake a series of in-depth discussions for better understanding of the Bangsamoro Organic Law (BOL) and the ways and means to implement it in a meaningful, efficient and relevant way.


Implementing the Bangsamoro Organic Law: Roundtable/Lecture Series

Funding for Transition and BTA: Mandates, Myths and Reality

The series are in-depth discussions for better understanding of the Bangsomoro Organic Law (BOL) and the ways and means to implement it in a meaningful, efficient and relevant way. The series will examine the context, resources and capacities of institutions that will implement the BOL. Concrete actions and proposals are to be generated to build on the strengths and address the gaps and weaknesses in current processes and implementing institutions. The series will generate policy briefs to inform and aid policymakers and key stakeholders moving forward.


DELACSE Bangsamoro Advanced Leadership Seminar

Democratic Leadership and Active Civil Society Empowerment (DELACSE) Bangsamoro Project Phase 2 will hold an Advanced Leadership Seminar for civil society leaders and workers on 26-28 March 2019 at the Blue Lotus Hotel, Davao City.


Implementing the Bangsamoro Organic Law: Roundtable/Lecture Series

Unpacking Bangsamoro Transition and BTA under the BOL

The series are in-depth discussions for better understanding of the Bangsomoro Organic Law (BOL) and the ways and means to implement it in a meaningful, efficient and relevant way. The series will examine the context, resources and capacities of institutions that will implement the BOL. Concrete actions and proposals are to be generated to build on the strengths and address the gaps and weaknesses in current processes and implementing institutions. The series will generate policy briefs to inform and aid policymakers and key stakeholders moving forward.


Transformation of Work in Asia-Pacific in the 21st Century

In line with Asian Institute of Management Rizalino S. Navarro Policy Center for Competitiveness (AIM RSN PCC) commitment to engage the public and important stakeholders in discussions relevant to the promotion of national competitiveness and shared prosperity, the AIM RSN PCC, in partnership with the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) Philippines and the Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU), will hold the event “Transformation of Work in Asia-Pacific in the 21st Century: Key Policy Implications” on 20 March 2019 at the Asian Institute of Management, Makati City.


KAS Partners Meeting

Presentation of KAS's Objectives for 2019-2021

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) Philippines will hold its 2nd Partners Meeting.


Meeting with the Philippines’ Business Leaders

As part of Prof. Dr. Georg Milbradt’s visit in the Philippines, KAS held a private and closed door meeting with select business leaders from the Makati Business Club.


Dialog über Ocean Governance im Südchinesischen Meer

Am 16. und 17. August 2023 wurde in Manila, Philippinen, erfolgreich der "Dialogue on Maritime Governance in the South China Sea" abgehalten, eine aktuelle Veranstaltung des philippinischen Büros der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS). Diese Initiative, die in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Foreign Service Institute (FSI) Philippinen durchgeführt wurde, widmete sich Fragen der Ocean Governance im Südchinesischen Meer.

Botschaft der Republik der Philippinen

Philippine and German Perspectives on Geopolitical Developments in the Indo-Pacific

The Indo-Pacific is the world’s main geopolitical theatre - Germany and the Philippines can work towards common goals within it

The speakers representing the Philippine and German governments, as well as the Berlin-based think tanks MERICS and SWP, left no doubt that the Indo-Pacific is the main theatre of geopolitical competition for the foreseeable future. What happens in this region will shape the global international order. The Indo-Pacific could be a growth engine for the global economy, but its littoral state face growing uncertainty driven by tensions between China and the US. The speakers argued that strong institutions and resilient partnerships are needed to ensure that stability is maintained in the years to come.

Capacity Building Programme for Educators on Circular Economy Innovation

On 23 August 2022, Ms. Sophiya Navarro, Program Manager for Security and Innovation of the KAS Philippines, attended the pilot session of the "Capacity Building Programme for Educators on Circular Economy Innovation" by Circular Cities Asia. Circular Cities Asia is a partner of the KAS Regional Project Energy Security and Climate Change in the Asia Pacific (RECAP).

Philippine National Security During and After the Duterte Presidency

Looking Back and Looking Beyond

The Philippine Political Science Association (PPSA), with support from the KAS Philippines, conducted a two-day online conference looking on the Philippine national security during and after the Duterte presidency, and what are the prospects beyond.

A Multidisciplinary Look at the Impacts of the European Union on the Philippines

Gaps and Opportunities

One of our last free public webinars before 2021 comes to a close! This webinar highlights the results of months' worth of research on the impacts of the European Union on the Philippines across different disciplines.

Democracy and Development Youth Camp

The La Salle Institute of Governance concluded its virtual Democracy and Development Youth Camp last November 6 and 7, 2021. Through the support of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Philippines Office, members of the Sangguniang Kabataan Councils, Local Youth Development Councils, and various youth-led organizations attended this 2-day youth camp to encourage and promote youth political and electoral participation.

'Fresh Off the Press': What Do We Think of the Philippine Presidential & Vice Presidential Aspirants

With the upcoming campaign and election season in the Philippines, and just right after the filing of Certificates of Candidacy, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung or KAS Philippines held an online seminar, where governance experts assessed the track records, platforms, support, and even "winnability" of the Philippine Presidential and Vice-Presidential aspirants. Representatives from the business sector, civil society, and media also gave their inputs.

The New US Administration and Perspectives for Southeast Asia and the Philippines

We at the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Philippines Office would like to extend our thanks to the experts and attendees who participated in our online event, "The New US Administration and Perspectives for Southeast Asia and the Philippines" last Friday, 27 August 2021.

Towards a Better Normal: COVID-19 Pandemic Politics

2021 PPSA International Conference

The Philippine Political Science Association, with support from the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Philippines, conducted its annual international conference last 14-16 June 2021.

The Limits of Populism during COVID-19

Missed the KAS Philippines webinar on the "The Limits of Populism during COVID-19" last Friday? We got you covered!