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European - Chinese Trade Relations

Current tendencies and challenges

Within the framework of the Social and Economic Governance Programme Asia, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) invites to a lecture with the vice chairman of the CDU/CSU fraction, Dr. Michael Fuchs.

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Dr. Fuchs is responsible for the important section of trading and economic politics within the fraction.

The extensive dependence of international trading flows provides decision makers in politics and economy world wide with challenges. The long lasting stagnation of the multilateral trade liberalisation within the WTO yielded a large number of bilateral free trade agreements and was the beginning of multilateral negotiations between countries and country groups with strong economies. In the course of this, the non-tariff barrier, meaning harmonizing of norms and standards, is of particular importance. Considering the advancing globalization, the fiscal and economic relations between countries and international or regional organisations need to tighten up, in order to encourage trade integration in the European Union, as well as on the international stage. Which challenges will the expansion of the free-trade within bilateral and multilateral agreements and protectionist measures, both on the part of the EU and the PRC have to face? How can trade conflicts be prevented in the long run? What experience has Germany made in this context? How can the trade and economic cooperation between China and Europe, especially with Germany, Peking's most important trading partner within the EU, be managed?

Dr. Michael Fuchs the vice chairman of CDU/CSU fraction in the German Bundestag will give his view on these issues and talk about the upcoming national election in Germany. Following there will be the possibility for participants to ask questions and engage in discussion.

Dr. Fuchs has extensive experience in politics, economy and international trade, both as a politician and as a successful businessman. In addition, he is one of the most important decision makers in the current German economic and regulatory politics.

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  • Dr. Michael Fuchs
    • vice chairman of the CDU/CSU fraction

      Joerg Wolff

      Vortrag Dr. Michael Fuchs, MdB, stellv. Vorsitzender der CDU/CSU Bundestagsfraktion und Unionssprecher für Wirtschaftsfragen KAS Peking
      V.l.n.r.: Jörg Wolff, Leiter SOPAS, KAS; Beate Grzeski, Gesandte und Leiterin der Wirtschaftsabteilung der Deutschen Botschaft; Dr. Michael Fuchs, MdB, stellv. Vorsitzender der CDU/CSU Bundestagsfraktion und Unionssprecher für Wirtschaftsfragen; Prof. Gu Junli, Vorsitzender der Zweiggesellschaft für Deutschlandstudien KAS Peking

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