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Event Reports

An automobile eldorado?

Chinas automotive market: between growth euphoria and mobility shortage

KAS/SUIBE scholarship holders visit the Auto City Anting and get in touch with the Chinese and international automotive industry.

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The PR China is planning to become the largest market for automobiles all over the world. At the same time, more and more Chinese cities are choking in the steadily growing individual transport. Which future has the automotive industry in this country? What are the perspectives of foreign, especially German producers? What means “mobility of the future”?

The German company “Continental AG” is one of the three top suppliers in automotive industry worldwide and aquired international reputation especially in the fields of chassis, electronics and tires. From 19 plants in China, Continental supplies its customers in the Chinese and Asian regional market. Harald Lichtinger, CEO and managing director of Continental Shanghai gave an overview about the global strategies of his company and the special challenges in the Chinese market. The following plant visit provided an impressive insight in the high technological level, the automotive supplier industry in China possess.

After the plant visit at Continental, the group visited the Shanghai AutoCity, in which numerous automotive companies are based. Representatives informed about the development strategies and plans of the AutoCity and the adaptions which are necessary in a rapidly changing market.

A tour through the automobile museum in Anting provided deeper insight in the history of automobile.

The field trips are part of the KAS/SUIBE scholarship program and enables the students to get insights in development tendencies of key markets in the Chinese and global economy.

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Tim Wenniges


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