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Workshop in Douala: " Climate Change: None of my business?"

The Workshop on "Climate Change: None of my business?" is divided into three panels around the topics "Why mobilize for Climate Change?"; "Living with Climate Change" and "Climate Action" presented by experts and associations.


Workshop "Biofuels in Cameroon: Challenges and opportunities"

The workshop on biofuels in Cameroon also included the presentation of the book "Roadmap for Sustainable Biofuels in Southern Africa: Regulatory frameworks for improved development?" a KAS publication by Prof. Dr. Oliver Ruppel and Dr. Holger Dix.


fully booked

Regional Consultation Meeting for Africa Major Groups and Stakeholders prior to the 16th AMCEN

AMCEN (African Ministerial Conference on Environment)

Theme: "Investing in Innovative Environmental Solutions to accelerate implementation of Sustainable Development Goals and Agenda 2063 in Africa"


fully booked

Workshop on "The State of Energy Security in Nigeria on the way to COP 23"

The purpose of the workshop is to highlight and explore the challenges of, and opportunities for enhancing energy security in Nigeria within the context of energy demand, energy supply and climate change, and what trade-offs exist, if any.

Book presentation

Roadmap for Sustainable Biofuels/Bioenergy in Southern Africa

Regulatory Frameworks for Improved Development Potential?

The event gives an overview of the scientific background of bioenergy and takes a critical look at possible risk factors for the environment and society by biofuel plants.

Book presentation

Roadmap for Sustainable Biofuels/Bioenergy in Southern Africa

Regulatory Frameworks for Improved Development Potential?

The event gives an overview of the scientific background of bioenergy and takes a critical look at possible risk factors for the environment and society by biofuel plants.


Green Urban Development Prospects in Africa

On 26th of April a high ranking African delegation of parliamentarians and city mayors discussed with Jens Gieseke, MEP on "Green Urban Development Prospects in Africa"


Meeting with the Cameroonian Minister of Water and Energy

Discussion with Prof. Ruppel of KAS and the Cameroonian Minister of Water and Energy. Topics included the objectives of KAS new regional program in Subsaharan Africa and the MINEE Master Plan on renewable Energies.


"Climate Action Day" at the National Assembly of Cameroon

KAS and the National Network of Parliamentarians celebrated Climate Action Day at the National Assembly of Cameroon. The event was co-organized by the PAPNCC (Pan-African Parliamentarians Network on Climate Change).


Visit to the Cameroonian Minister of Environment, Nature Protection and Sustainable Development

Prof. Ruppel and h.E. Helle Pierre discussed the potential for cooperation in Cameroon and KAS project of publishing a brochure entitled: "Actors on Climate Change and Climate relevant information in Cameroon for policy makers."

— 10 Items per Page
Showing 31 - 40 of 43 results.

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COP28 Outcomes

Have African Interests and Priorities been addressed?

The Conference of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP28) attracted a record number of participants. Over 97,000 individuals were registered for on-site attendance in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE) and another 3000 were admitted for virtual participation. While being viewed as the most important COP for accountability for climate action, COP28 provided delegates, on behalf of their parties, to deliberate and reach decisions on fast-tracking energy transition; climate finance; centering nature, people, lives, and livelihoods; and strengthening inclusivity. In large alignment with COP28 thematic areas, the African interests and priorities in this year’s global climate summit were outlined by the African leaders in their common position submission including Global Stocktake (GST); strengthening adaptation actions; operationalization of the loss and damage fund; just energy transition; and a push for Africa to be granted the special needs and circumstances status.



The contribution of parliamentarians to democracy and prosperity in Sub-Saharan Africa

The KAS hosts the first Sub-Saharan Africa Conference.

Discussion Forum on Lake Chad :" The Lake Chad Basin: Yesterday, Today and Future Prospects between Climate Change and Humanitarian Crisis."

On the 24th and 25th October 2018, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung and the Global Legislators Organization for a Better Environment organized a discussion Forum on the Lake Chad Crisis in Abuja, Nigeria.

Presentation and donation of KAS books to cameroonian Universities

The Konrad Adenauer Stiftung regional program for Climate Policy and Energy Security has visited Cameroonian Universities to present and donate some of its latest publications.

Book Launch "The State of Biofuels Development in Cameroon"

The presentation of the book, which was edited by S2Services based in Douala and KAS Regional Programm for Climate Policy and Energy Security in Subsaharan Africa, took place on the 22th of August 2018 at the Hilton Hotel in Yaoundé, Cameroon.

Workshop "implementing LDN in Africa: Means, legal instruments and institutional challenges?"

The objective of the workshop was to enable an effective implementation of policies on land degradation and soil protection, in particular in Africa.

Official book presentation of "Environmental Law and Policy in Cameroon"

The presentation of the book, which was edited by Prof. Dr. Oliver Ruppel, Director of KAS Regional Programm for Climate Policy and Energy Security in Subsaharan Africa and Professor of public, commercial and international Law at Stellenbosch University, South Africa and Prof. Dr. Emmanuel Kam Yogo, Lecturer in Public Law at the University of Douala and Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law of Laval University in Canada and at ENAM, took place on the 9th of August 2018 at the national school of administration and judiciary (ENAM) in Yaoundé, Cameroon.

Presentation of new KAS publication on “the Issue of Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility"

High level discussion panel on the issue of promoting entrepreneurship and incubators for development in Cameroon and presentation of the new KAS book publication on “the Issue of Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility - African Perspective, Case of Cameroon”

KAS-Regionalprogramm beim Südafrika-Special der IFAT 2018 in München

KAS-Regionalprogramm beim Südafrika-Special der IFAT 2018 in München

Workshop on Information and Training for Women in the fight against climate change, Foumban, Cameroon

The Workshop was organized with the Foundation Momafon Rabiatou Njoya.