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Event Reports

Scheduling of a workshop with Namibian Minister of Environment and Tourism and Namibian Environment Commissioner

Namibian Minister of Environment and Tourism Mr Pohamba Shifeta and the Namibian Environmental Commissioner Mr. Teo Ngitila plan to co-organize a Workshop on " the implementation of NDC in Namibia on the way to COP 23".

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While both attending the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment (AMCEN) held in Libreville, Gabon, the Namibian Minister of Environment and Tourism Mr Pohamba Shifeta and the Namibian Environmental Commissioner Mr. Teo Ngitila concretised their plans to jointly organise a workshop with KAS on the “Implementation of the NDC in Namibia on the way to COP 23” in September 2017. Prof. Oliver Ruppel, the Director of the KAS Climate Policy and Energy Security Programme for Sub-Saharan Africa confirmed the programmes availability to co-host such workshop together with the Ministry in the capital of Windhoek. It was agreed to have a special focus on regional governors, city majors and traditional authorities.

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Photo f.l.t.r.: Mr. Teo Ngitila, Environmental Commissioner of Namibia; Mr Pohamba Shifeta,Minister of Environment and Tourism of the Republic of Namibia; Prof. Oliver Ruppel, director KAS regional program on Climate Policy and Energy Security in Subsaharan Africa


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