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Event Reports


Reunión de la "Iniciativa de Montañas"

Mesa redonda de paises andinos

La reunión de Iniciativa de Montañas se crea con el fin de reunir representantes políticos de los países andinos ( Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Perú y Venezuela ) , principalmente de los Ministerios de Relaciones exteriores ( cancillería) y de los Ministerios u organismos encargados de ver el tema de los ecosistemas de montaña. La institución encargada de las coordinaciones entre los países y la convocatoria de los representantes es CODENSAN, quien también designa al Coordinador regional del IAM , que en estos momentos es el Embajador Isauro Torres de Chile.

Biodiversidad y servicios ecosistémicos: Una nueva gobernanza e innovación

Taller Internacional

La Biodiversidad y los servicios ecosistémicos, el llamado “crecimiento verde”, para una nueva gobernanza con innovación centrado principalmente en la región amazónica, fue el tema central del Taller internacional realizado en Lima, organizado por el Ministerio del Ambiente del Perú y el Programa EKLA-KAS


Das Programm für Verantwortliches Investment (Programa de Inversión Responsable, PIR) organisierte mit Unterstützung des Regionalprogramms Energiesicherheit und Klimawandel in Lateinamerika der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (EKLA-KAS) eine Konferenz in Lima zum Thema nachhaltiges Investment.



An dem von dem Regionalprogramm EKLA-KAS zusammen mit dem Postgraduiertenprogramm in Nachhaltiger Entwicklung und Sozialen Ungleichheiten in der Andenregion (trAndeS) organisierten Workshop diskutierten Experten aus Europa und Lateinamerika Themen rund um den Nexus Wasser-, Energie- und Ernährungssicherheit. Im Zentrum stand die Frage, wie sich angesichts von Bevölkerungswachstum und sozialen Ungleichheiten sowie wachsenden negativen Auswirkungen des Klimawandels die Versorgung der Andenregion mit den begrenzten Ressourcen, Wasser, Energie und Nahrung nachhaltig sicherstellen lässt.

NDCs: What is there for Latin America big cities?

Final Workshop

During the fourth (and last) workshop of the series NDCs: What Is There for American Big Cities? experts from Mexico, Peru, Argentina and Brazil debated the results of the comparative study for the implementation of The Paris Agreement on Climate Change goals (Nationally Determined Contributions or NDCs).

Distributed Generation:

International Experiences and Comparative Analyses

The Regional Programme for Energy Security and Climate Change in Latin America, led by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (EKLA-KAS), and the Electricity Sector Study Group (GESEL) located in the Institute of Economics of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (IE/UFRJ) organized a workshop on the decentralization of electrical systems, impacts in the micro generation electric network and its economic-financial consequences for distributors.

Development, Infrastructure and Regional Cohesion:

The Experiences of the European Union and South America

This seminar focused on analyzing inter-state relations within the framework of globalization and the formation of regional agreements, seeking to examine to what extent they influence governance and enable sustainable development, cooperation and social cohesion.



In the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina, for the fifth consecutive year the Latin-German Conference on Energy was held. It was organized by the EKLA-KAS Program, German Latin Business(GLB), the Argentinian-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry and LAV.

Contributions from the G20 to the climate change battle and its financing


The event featured the participation of the representatives from CEPAL (Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean): José Luis Samaniego, Director of the Sustainable Development and Human Settlements Division; and from the EKLA-KAS Program: Christian Hübner, the Regional Program Director; who gave the welcome speech and highlighted the importance of the research conducted by specialists Heloísa Schneider , Coordinator, Kristina Taboulchanas, Miroslava Barragán and Virginia Scarmadaglia, who attended the event.

NDCs: What is there for Latin America big cities?

Third Workshop - Case Study: Buenos Aires

EKLA-KAS organizes in collaboration with the "International Institute for Sustainability (IIS)" a series of workshops for the implementation of national climate goals by local governments. The third workshop was held on September 26th, in Buenos Aires, aiming to apply the contributions articulated at the national level within the framework of the Paris Convention to the concrete climatic issues of local policies.

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About this series

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, its educational institutions, centres and foreign offices, offer several thousand events on various subjects each year. We provide up to date and exclusive reports on selected conferences, events and symposia at In addition to a summary of the contents, you can also find additional material such as pictures, speeches, videos or audio clips.

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Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.