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Roadmap to move towards a circular economy - Municipality of Turrialba

Costa Rica

En esta hoja de ruta se plantea una visión amplia de economía circular; sin embargo, las oportunidades y las acciones se priorizaron en el sector económico terciario, es decir, comercio y servicios, específicamente en restaurantes, sodas, verdulerías y carnicerías. However, the opportunities and actions were prioritized in the tertiary economic sector, i.e., commerce and services, specifically in restaurants, sodas, greengrocers and butchers.Se pretende articular y fortalecer iniciativas existentes en el cantón, con relación a la gestión de los residuos orgánicos en toda su cadena, lo cual abordará desde aspectos como la reducción del desperdicio de alimentos hasta la valorización de estos residuos para su reincorporación al suelo como compost, entre otros usos.

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The implementation of the roadmap will be carried out with a regenerative approach and will potentially contribute to the fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations 2030 Agenda, specifically SDGs 1 End Poverty, 2 Zero Hunger, 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth, 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities, 12 Responsible Consumption and Production, 13 Climate Action, 15 Life of Terrestrial Ecosystems and 17 Partnerships to Achieve the Goals.

The document consists of two sections, the first covers a context analysis that includes a review of the regulations related to the circular economy, a mapping of initiatives and actors related to circular economy initiatives, socioeconomic and environmental data, as well as the identification of key elements of the territory. The second section presents the roadmap, which is based on a self-diagnosis of circularity and has as its structure the vision, mission, objectives and general goals, as well as the expected results. In addition, an identification and prioritization of opportunities is made, and potential barriers, policy options to overcome barriers and strategic actions to implement the roadmap are addressed.

[Publication available in Spanish].

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Aracelli Ramos


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