Asset Publisher


Asset Publisher

Vienotība-Partei stößt Sozial- und Steuerreformen an

Mit dem gemeinsamen Vorstoß für Steuersenkungen geben der lettische Finanzminister Andris Vilks und die Sozialministerin Ilze Viņķele (beide Mitglieder der Partei Vienotība) der Debatte um Sozial- und Steuerreformen in Lettland neue Nahrung.

Energy Policy in Estonia

A comparative view on party positions

In the light of the German Energiewende, i.e. phasing out of nuclear energy and the implementation of binding limitations on CO2 emissions, debates on resource sustainability is not limited to institutions of the European Union (EU). In fact, resource sustainability is discussed all over Europe. Estonia is a small national economy with a certain limit of domestic energy resources. But where is Estonia heading to? The most important facts and issues of Estonian energy policy, the current debate and the common and different positions on energy policy of political parties are shown.

Demographic Trends in Estonia

Primary Results and Interpretation

In 2012, the Eleventh Population and Housing Census (PHC 2011) was conducted in Estonia. It illustrated the overall population decline in Estonia that was generally expected to be higher. The working paper shows the mayor numbers of the PHC 2011 and interpretates its origin and impact for the future of the Estonian society.

Different perception of Europe in a time of crisis

Europe as an opportunity / Europe as a risk

The current crisis or set of crises in Europe present the EU with challenges that contain with in them opportunities for political growth in a direction that has long been considered desirable in Europe without ever attaining the degree of importance that they deserve.

„Bald trafen wir uns schon in Tallinn und los ging es…“

Interview mit Armand Andres Pajuste

Interview mit Armand Andres Pajuste zu den Anfangsjahren der estnischen Unabhängigkeit

The Media Landscape of Estonia

The paper deals with the developments of the media in the Republic of Estonia. The author analyses the current market condition and considers also the recent past.

Vides aizsardzības, klimata un enerģijas projektu konkurss

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) izsludina projektu konkursu vides aizsardzības, klimata un enerģijas jomā jauniešiem vecumā no 14 – 27 gadiem. Ikviens jaunietis, jauniešu grupa vai organizācija tiek aicināti iesniegt projekta pieteikumu, nosūtot to pa pastu līdz 2012. gada 31. janvārim.

"Estonian energy policy"

An Overview

When it comes to energy policy, Estonia is a quite rare country in Europe and in the whole world. Estonia does not have high valued energy sources like oil, gas or even coal, but does have oil shale. This natural resource is mostly not even used because recourses with higher value are preferred. But since Estonia does not have anything else, the oil shale industry has been developed from 1940. But beside oil shale, other indicators are important to describe when describing the Estonian energy policy.

Saeima bestätigt Mitte-Rechts-Regierung

Valdis Dombrovskis zum ditten Mal zum Ministerpräsidenten Lettlands gewählt

Nach zähem Ringen haben sich die Parteien Vienotība (Einheit), Zatlera Reformu Partija (Zatlers Reformpartei, ZRP) und Visu Latvijai! – Tēvzemei un Brīvībai/LNNK (Alles für Lettland – Vaterland und Freiheit, VL-TB/LNNK) fünf Wochen nach der Parlamentswahl auf eine Regierungskoalition verständigt. Am 25. Oktober stimmten 57 der 100 Parlamentsabgeordneten der lettischen Saeima für das dritte Kabinett um Ministerpräsident Valdis Dombrovskis.

Voting behaviour in the Estonian parliamentary elections of 2011

Research Paper

Results of Estonia`s 2011 general elections were in accordance with political developments and major trends from the start of election cycle in 2007. During the years 2009-2011 Estonia went through one of the severest financial and economic crises in the whole of Europe and despite harsh end even radical budget cuts which were hard to absorb for the society, media and popular estimation was rather univocally positive towards policy measures implemented by liberal-conservative coalition.