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Discussion: "Election year in the European Union and the USA. What awaits us?"

We are happy to announce our panel for the discussion festival “LAMPA” - “Europe between the European Parliament and US elections”


Discussion: "Hannibal ad portas. Reflections on Total Defence in Lithuania"

The second discussion of the series will take place in Panevėžys on Monday, May 6th

"Hannibal ad portas. Reflections on Total Defence in Lithuania" is a series of discussions across Lithuania to discuss the current security situation in Lithuania and the region and to discuss the necessary measures to strengthen total defence in Lithuania.


Diskussion: "Hannibal ad portas. Reflections on Total Defence in Lithuania"

The second discussion of the series in Panevėžys


Discussion: "Why Europe matters? – Does my voice count?"

Discussion in cooperation with the Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies at the University of Tartu and the Goethe Institute.

2024 will be a significant year for Europe. War in Ukraine, elections in the US, elections to the European Parliament. All of these are global events. However, when it comes to the latter, the people in Europe themselves have the ability to shape the future! Or is all of this nonsense? Does Europe still have any significance?


„Herausforderungen in einer veränderten Sicherheitslage in Europa“

Film - und Diskussionsabend in Kooperation mit Estonian Atlantic Treaty Association (EATA)

„Herausforderungen in einer veränderten Sicherheitslage in Europa“ aus der Reihe „Conflicts that changed the world“ Film - und Diskussionsabend in Kooperation mit Estonian Atlantic Treaty Association (EATA)


The Nuclear Frontier: Charting a Course to a Safer Tomorrow

Discussion in cooperation with Latvian Institute of International Affairs at LAMPA

The discussion will bring together industry experts from Latvia and Germany to address the complex issue of nuclear weapons and their possible impact on our future.


Diskussion der neuen Sicherheitsherausforderungen in Europa

Neue Sicherheitsherausforderungen für Europa – Welche Rolle spielt Deutschland aus Sicht der Baltischen Staaten?



The purpose of this call for bid is to seek a competitive price for the Conference Service Provider for Sound and Lighting Technology commencing 01.07.2023.

The purpose of this call for bid is to seek a competitive price for the Conference Service Provider for Sound and Lighting Technology commencing 01.07.2023, it automatically renews after the duration of the contract period of 24 months. Intention to cancel the contract must be indicated by either party in writing no later than three (3) months before the anniversary of the date on which the contract was signed.


Erudīcijas spēle: "Latvija Eiropā: Vienoti Dažādībā"

Mūsu stipendiāti ir sagatavojuši lielisku iespēju vidusskolēniem Daugavpilī un Liepāja pārbaudīt savas zināšanas par Eiropu.


“Litauen, Litauen!”

Musik-Kabarett über das Herzland Europas

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Asset Publisher

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