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Country report

Nigeria's uncertain economic future

Opportunities and risks for the country's economy following the opening of the new oil refinery.

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The most influential kingmaker wins the presidency

Nigeria's 2023 Elections

The results let expect rather the continuation of established power and elite politics instead of the change many, especially young voters have been hoping for.

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Country Report

Nigeria before the 2023 elections

The crisis-ridden country faces the mammoth logistical task of holding the largest elections ever seen on the African continent.

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Country report

Nigeria before the 2023 elections

The crisis-ridden country faces the mammoth logistical task of conducting the biggest elections Africa has ever seen.

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KAS Head of Division Analysis and Consulting visits Nigeria

Dr. Peter Fischer-Bollin visited Nigeria last week in order to meet with important partners of KAS and inform himself on current developments in the country.

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Study: Wielding influence in the age of coronavirus

China’s response to the coronavirus in Africa

How the Chinese Communist Party shapes narratives and builds influence in Africa.

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„You are welcome!“ In this friendly manner the foreigner is greeted in Nigeria. We join our hosts in saying: You are welcome to the website of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Nigeria!

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