Asset Publisher


Asset Publisher

Activating Performance of the PLC in Legislation, Supervision and Development of Public Policy


Elaborated by Dr. Ahmad Abu Dayyeh

Majority opposes Geneva Document

Poll No. 10 conducted in cooperation with the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (PSR) in the West Bank and Gaza in December 2003, indicates that while a majority opposes the Geneva Document, Palestinian attitudes vary regarding its core components: A large majority opposes the refugee solution and the restrictions on Palestinian sovereignty, but a majority endorses equal territorial swaps and the deployment of a multinational force. 16.12.2003

„The supervising function of the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) over the executive”

The results of a study are now made public in a book

The Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation and the Palestinian Center for Independence of the Judiciary and the Legal Profession (MUSAWA) analysed the Palestinian “Checks-and-Balances”-system in a study whose results are published in a book in Arabic. The Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) represents as a parliament the citizens of the Palestinian Autonomous Territories. As a democratic institution the Council helds the obligation of the legislative power as well as the supervision of the executive. Up to now the PLC was in the shadow of the executive. Corruption and infiltration are the reasons why the Council could not fulfill its role as the controlling organ of the government in a sufficient manner in the past. With the growing reform-euphoria in the Palestinian Territories as background, the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation decided to support the MUSAWA Institute in publishing a study about the supervision-function of the PLC over the executive. Foremost focus of the study is the exposure of interdependencies between the executive and the legislative not legitimate under the constitution, as well as the analysis of adequate reform plans. In cooperation with political and scientific experts as well as in consideration of several case studies, legal, administrative, technical and political weaknesses could be detected. The study explains the necessary changes to enable the Legislative Council to fulfill better its function as balance weight and controlling organ to the executive. With this in mind the authors have presented a detailed analysis and concrete suggestions.

Arafat’s popularity reaches highest level in five years

Poll No.9 conducted in cooperation with the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (PSR) in the West Bank and Gaza in October 2003 states that Arafat’s popularity reaches its highest level in five years. Two thirds of the Palestinians believe that the roadmap is dead. Nonetheless, an overwhelming majority of 85% supports mutual cessation of violence, two thirds support return to Hudna and 59% support taking measures against those who would violate a ceasefire. 15.10.2003

Majority of Palestinians supports ending of armed Intifada

The eighth poll conducted in cooperation with the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (PSR) in the West Bank and Gaza in June 2003 indicates that while the support for President Abu Mazen and his government drops, the support for a ceasefire increases. A majority of Palestinians supports the ending of the armed Intifada and agrees to a mutual recognition of Israel as the state of the Jewish people and Palestine as the state of the Palestinian people. 30.06.2003

An Introductory Step Toward Imposing International Mandate on Palestine or a Road to an Independent and Sovereign stat

Dr. Khalil Shikaki and Aisheh Ahmad, Ramallah 2003 (Arabic & English)

Some Evidence and Procedure Issues in Civil and Commercial Cases

Judge Abdullah Ghuzlan, Bir Zeit University, 2003 (Arabic)

The Political, Social and Economic History of Palestine during the British Mandate: A Set of Documents.

Dr. Hammad Husein, Jinin, 2003 (Arabic)

Palestinians show support to Abu Mazen

The seventh poll conducted in cooperation with the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (PSR) in the West Bank and Gaza between March and April 2003, shows that the majority of Palestinians express optimism about the return to negotiations and is supportive to Abu Mazen as Prime Minister, but pessimistic about his ability to reform the Palestinian Political System or his efforts to control the security situation. 14.04.2003

Reconsideration of Decisions Concerning Detention and Release on Bail

Judge Ass’ad Mubarak, Bir Zeit University, 2003 (Arabic)