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The energy transition in Mauritania: the environmental dimension and development objectives.

Scientific seminar to discuss the prospects of energy transition in the country.

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Mauritania event

The Mauritanian capital Nouakchott hosted the scientific seminar under the theme "Energy transition in Mauritania: the environmental dimension and development objectives" organized in partnership with the Maghreb Center for Strategic Studies. This event brought together leading professors and experts in energy transition and climate to present the outline of the country's national strategy and efforts to adapt to the increasingly pressing environmental constraints. 

With a population of 4.6 million, the country has a density of 4 people per km², more than half of whom live in urban areas. The Mauritanian coastline, 5074 km long, needs to be developed in order to contribute to the energy transition and to be a vector of socio-economic growth beneficial to the development of all activities. Foreign investment remains a means of attracting the foreign currency needed for the country's economy, but the cost to the environment remains problematic.

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