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The Green Accelerator Middle East Program (GA-ME)

Blended Training

In their efforts to foster investment readiness and scaling of sustainable business models for impactful environmental enterprises from the Middle East, the regional program Energy Security and Climate Change Middle East and North Africa (KAS - REMENA), together with cewas Middle East, invited 11 high potential environmental enterprises to the first Green Accelerator Middle East Program.

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Green Entrepreneurship Acceliration Program Middle East

The Regional Program Energy Security and Climate Change Middle East and North Africa (KAS - REMENA) of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and cewas Middle East, together with key regional implementation and investment partners, have joined hands to coach and support Middle Eastern Green Enterprises in their in-depth reporting on pressing water and sanitation matters across the MENA region.

Outstanding environmental entrepreneurs have been invited to take part in a tailored program with the goal of scaling up their enterprises and their impact though an intensive series of trainings and tailored individual coaching sessions.

The Green Accelerator Middle East program, GA-ME, comprises a five-module training and networking event, bringing together green enterprises with experts and regional investors. As part of the acceleration program, enterprises will design pay for performance activities. Micro investment grants will be awarded to realize those activities that show the highest potential to generate impact, accelerate the operations and customer acquisition, proof the market potential and investment readiness of the green enterprises. The core partners and investors of GA-ME will support the selection and implementation process of micro-investment projects.


At the end of the GA-ME program, the green enterprises will have:

  • Benefited from tailored support of experts specialized in green impact businesses and built relationships with sector partners, clients and investors;
  • Increased their investment readiness across milestones and individual deliverables to have all prerequisites to raise investments;
  • Pitched for micro-investment grants during their acceleration journey and potentially matched with GA-ME partners and other investors for follow up investments;
  • Backstopped to increase client base and deliver on impactful value propositions at scale;
  • Built tangible references through strategic projects with defined targets and prospective clients financed by catalytic grants.


The GA-ME program targeted Middle Eastern, solution-oriented Green Enterprises that offer an innovative solution tackling agricultural, water, and sanitation or health sector challenges. The enterprises operate in at least one of the target countries, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, and Iraq. The selection criteria entailed that the enterprises have proven product/service and existing customer base with recurring sales. The green enterprise's business model should be scalable with a clear revenue model and an impact model that improves services or support sustainable consumption and production.


The five module GA-ME has three major milestones, an incubation/boot camp program, a training and coaching program, and a matchmaking event. Each module will comprise of tailored expert input, task deliverables, group work, individual work, and coaching sessions. The enterprises in will aim of each milestone, respectively, is the following:

  • To develop a sound acceleration strategy, approach and strategic business development initiatives;
  • To develop a detailed and feasible Micro Investment Project that will help to transform their business and establish suitable investment options;
  • To determine and implement their investment strategy until they successfully engage with their priority investors.


The Green Accelerator Middle East Program, GA-ME, will run through May to December 2021 on a blended basis due to COVID-19 pandemic restrictions.


For more details, do not hesitate to reach out to us at or by consulting the dedicated website for the event at

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Daniela Diegelmann

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Policy Advisor Evaluation Unit +212 5 37 67 04 13/14 +212 5 37 67 04 15

Hamza Saidi

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Project Manager +212 537 6704 13/14

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cewas Middle East