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Election and Social Research Monitor

City, Countryside, ... Differences?

Political Attitudes from Big Cities to Rural Areas - Results from Representative Surveys
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Monitor Election and Social Research

My First European Election

A Representative Survey about Political Attitudes on Europe among First-Time-Voters.
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Election and Social Research Monitor

The digital divide in society

Results from a representative survey on artificial intelligence
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Synopsis European election programs

Comparison of selected demands from the European election manifestos of the SPD, Alliance 90 / The Greens, FDP, AfD, Left Party and Alliance Sarah Wagenknecht.
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Monitor Election & Social Research

Public Opinion on the European Union before the European Election 2024

What do people think about the EU, how interested are they in Europe and which party do they hope will deliver European policy solutions?
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Facts and Findings

Online, offline or both?

Practical test of survey methods – which survey method delivers trustworthy, representative results?
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Asset Publisher


Here you will find current studies, survey data from the areas of political behavior, electoral behavior, party research and extremism research. Our focus lies on election analyses and societal change.

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