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Covid-19: Boom or Bust for Globalization?

The International Affairs Network, Lisbon, and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Madrid, are happy to invite you to the online conference "COVID19: Boom or Bust for Globalization?" which will take place on Thursday, June 25, 2020 at 19.00 hours (Madrid)/ 18.00 hours (Lisbon).

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What will be the final impact of the current crisis? Will globalization itensify or recede? COVID19 has closed down borders and led to a contest for medical protective equipment. It has also boosted tensions between the US and Europe on the one side and China on the other.  However, new technologies have allowed for better communication through the crisis and have boosted remote work, what makes it easier to work across borders.


We are excited to host two very experienced speakers each of whom can give us both an economic and a business perspective on the upcoming challenges and developments surging from the Covid-19 pandemic for the global economy in general and the Iberian peninsula, in particular.


You can attend the session here:

or via Facebook Livestream:


João Moreira Rato, Chairman, Banco CTT; Visiting Professor, Universidade Nova; former President of Institute of Public Debt Management of Portugal (IGCP)
Isaac Martín-Barbero, Vice Minister for Economy and Competitiveness, Autonomous Community of Madrid, Spain; former Director-General of Spanish Institute of Foreign Trade (Icex)
Inês Domingos, Chair, International Affairs Network, former member of Portuguese Parliament

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