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Foreign and security policy in reunited Germany since 1990

A difficult process of adaptation to a new role and expectations

On the 4th of March 2020, KAS Madrid will organize in collaboration with the Institute for European Studies at CEU-San Pablo University the European lecture: "Foreign and security policy in reunited Germany since 1990 - A difficult process of adaptation to a new role and expectations". The lecture will be held by Ambassador (ret.) Mr. Joachim Bitterlich. #CEUKAS:GermanForeignPolicySince1990 @Se ruega confirmación de asistencia con

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Ambassador (ret.) Joachim Bitterlich

Ambassador (ret.), and former European, Diplomatic and Security Advisor to Chancellor Helmut Kohl

Joachim Bitterlich was born in 1948. He studied Law, Economics and Politics at the University of Saarbrücken, and was research assistant at the same university. He was also student at the French National School of Administration (ENA) in Paris (1974-75).

Joachim Bitterlich entered in 1976 into the Federal Foreign Office. From 1985-87, he was Advisor to the German Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hans-Dietrich Genscher. From 1987-1993, he was appointed Head of the European Policy Department at the Federal Chancellor’s Office. From 1993-1998, he held the position of the Foreign and Security Policy Advisor to Federal Chancellor Helmut Kohl. As an Ambassador, he was appointed Permanent Representative of the Federal Republic of Germany on the North Atlantic Council in Brussels (1998-99), Ambassador to the Kingdom of Spain and the Principality of Andorra (1999-2002). He was Executive Vice President for International Affairs of Veolia Environment SA in Paris (2003-2012), and also Chairman of Veolia Environment Germany in Berlin (2009-2012).

Joachim Bitterlich is currently Professor (Adjunct) at the École Supérieure de Commerce de Paris (ESCP Europe) and Member of the Executive Board of the Jacques Delors Institute.

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CEU-San Pablo University, Sala de Audiencias, Facultad de Derecho, c/ Julián Romea, 22

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