Agrégateur de contenus


Agrégateur de contenus

Agrégateur de contenus



African Media Councils' Meeting

Convened by the South African Press Council and supported by KAS Media Programme Sub-Saharan Africa.

The aim of the meeting is to strengthen self-regulation of media content in Africa by fostering communication and an exchange of information between independent media councils, identifying issues of common concern, discussing the establishment of a network of media councils, and giving African delegates the opportunity to prepare for and attend the conference of the global Organisation of News Ombudsmen and Standards.


2024 IPI World Congress and Media Innovation Festival

A gathering of leading journalists, editors, and publishers from around the world.

Journalists from Africa will attend with the support of the KAS Media Programme for Sub-Saharan Africa. So, they can bring their respective perspectives, knowledge and experiences from Africa into the debates.


Reporter Slam Africa 2024

Entertaining stage format with journalists in cooperation with the Reporter Slam Organisation Germany and African citizens.

The event brings journalists into the spotlight and challenges them to tell a unique and interesting way about their work. At the event journalists will compete against each other and present their story as creative as possible and give a behind the scenes look at their life as a journalist. The end of the event the journalist whose story is appeals to the public will be named the Slammer for 2024.



Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum

Sharing Solutions

The Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum offers a unique interdisciplinary platform for media professionals as well as decision-makers from politics, civil society, culture, education, business, and science from all over the world to get together and to learn from each other as part of an intercultural exchange since 2008.

Agrégateur de contenus

Conférence spécialisée

Media Law Reform in Africa

Trotz weniger Ausnahmen ist Pressefreiheit und Unabhängigkeit von Journalisten in vielen Staaten Afrikas nicht garantiert. Die Konferenz bietet ein Diskussionsforum für den gemeinsamen Austausch zu Strategien für eine Mediengesetzesreform in Afrika.


African Media Leaders Forum (AMLF)

Marktplatz für Medienbesitzer und journalistische Führungskräfte in Afrika

AMLF ist der größte und wichtigste Marktplatz für Medieninhaber und Führungskräfte auf dem Kontinent. Mehr als 500 Vertreter werden in Addis Abeba erwartet, um Ideen über Technologie, sowie Geschäftsmodelle und zukünftige Inhalte auszutauschen.

Conférence spécialisée

Power Reporting

Konferenz für Investigativjournalisten in Afrika

Besonders wichtig für KAS Media Africa ist es, die Medien in ihrer Wächter-Funktion für die Demokratie zu unterstützen. Aus diesem Grund fördern wir auch in diesem Jahr die Veranstaltung „Power Reporting“.


E-lection Bridge Academy

Im August 2013 richtete das KAS Medienprogamm zum ersten Mal die E-lection Bridge Academy aus. Junge Experten der politischen Kommunikation aus ganz Afrika bekommen hier die Möglichkeit Erfahrungen auszutauschen und ihr Fachwissen zu erweitern.

Conférence spécialisée

Joburg Radio Days 2013

Zum vierten Mal bringen die Joburg Radio Days Vertreter aus verschienen Radiobranchen zusammen. Als Afrikas führende Konferenz über Radio fördert sie lokale und internationale Kooperationen und ermöglicht einen Austausch von Experten.


Training für Investigativ-Journalisten

KAS Medien Afrika fördert mit einer Reihe von Workshops den investigativen Journalismus in Subsahara-Afrika. Als Trainerin fungiert dabei Paula Fray, die bis 2012 Leiterin des Inter Press Service in Afrika war.


Training für Investigativ-Journalisten

KAS Medien Afrika fördert mit einer Reihe von Workshops den investigativen Journalismus in Subsahara-Afrika. Als Trainerin fungiert dabei Paula Fray, die bis 2012 Leiterin des Inter Press Service in Afrika war.

Conférence spécialisée

KAS E-lection Bridge Africa 2013

3rd Edition

Zum dritten Mal bringt die KAS E-lection Bridge führende Wahlkampf-Experten aus Subsahara-Afrika und Europa zusammen. Im Zentrum steht eine Analyse der Kampagnen in den USA, Ghana, Kenia sowie ein Ausblick auf die Wahlen in Simbabwe und Deutschland.


African Media Leaders Forum (AMLF)

Die größte Konferenz des Kontinents für Medienbesitzer und Top-Entscheider

Nach der erfolgreichen Veranstaltung 2011 in Tunis treffen sich nun mehr als 400 Medienbesitzer, Journalisten und Experten in Dakar zur aktuellen Edition von AMLF. Einer der diesjährigen Höhepunkte: der Auftritt von Senegals Präsident Macky Sall.

Conférence spécialisée

Power Reporting

Konferenz für investigativen Journalismus

Power Reporting - das ist der Titel der führenden Konferenz zu investigativem Journalismus auf dem afrikanischen Kontinent. Im letzten Jahr nahmen mehr als 230 Medienschaffende an Workshops, Panels und Vorlesungen in Johannesburg teil.

Agrégateur de contenus

2024 Summer School for Political Speechwriters Concluded in Cadenabbia, Italy

The KAS Media Programme for Sub-Saharan Africa hosted an intensive workshop at Konrad Adenauer's Former Residence

Six African politicians and communication experts participated in the workshop. Facilitators from various countries guided them through essential speech-writing techniques. The event culminated in participants delivering individual speeches, showcasing their refined skills.

Curriculum Perspective of Journalism Education

Roundtable discussion

The Konrad Adenauer Stiftung's Media Programme Sub-Sahara Africa hosted a round-table at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg on journalism education.

Television is dead. Long Live Television!

First Adenauer Media Lecture at the University of the Witwatersrand

The Adenauer Media Lecture, organized by the Media Programme Sub-Sahara Africa of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and the Center for Journalism at the University of the Witwatersrand, took place on March 19, 2024. Led by Professor Dr. Claudia Nothelle, the lecture explored the theme "Television is dead - long live television!" and delved into the challenges and opportunities facing television journalism in the digital age. Attendees engaged in thought-provoking discussions, emphasizing the importance of collaboration in shaping the future of journalism.

Local Journalism Conference 2024

New Challenges for Local Journalism

In January 2024, KAS Media Africa hosted a third local journalism conference, this time in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Journalists from 8 African countries including Ghana, South Africa, Mali and Zimbabwe were joined by a journalist from Germany to discuss the emerging and sustained challenges faced by local newsrooms in their respective countries and regions.


KAS Media Africa and the Jury of the KAS Media Africa Award for Local Journalism are pleased to announce the winners of the 2024 contest. They were chosen out of almost 300 submissions from 22 countries in Africa and across the anglophone and francophone regions.

Africa Journalism and Media Summit 2023

Reimagining African Journalism in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

From 12 to 13 October 2023, the Zimbabwe Centre for Media and Information Literacy (ZCMIL) hosted the 5th annual Africa Journalism and Media Summit (AJMS) in Harare, Zimbabwe. The AJMS was hosted in partnership with the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung’s country office also based in Harare. KAS Media Africa supported the AJMS by bringing participants from outside Zimbabwe to offer an alternative and comparative context on the Summit’s chosen topic – how journalists can embrace artificial intelligence (AI) in their daily work.

KAS Media Africa and the Graduate School of Media and Communications do it again!

Newsroom Managers Participate in “Managing Conflict in Today’s Newsroom” Course in Nairobi, Kenya

In November 2023, KAS Media Africa and The Aga Khan University’s Graduate School of Media and Communications (GSMC) brought together the second cohort of 15 newsroom managers from 12 countries across Africa for another successful programme in Nairobi, Kenya. The newsroom managers from Zimbabwe, Malawi, Ghana, Somalia, The Gambia, Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda, Côte d’Ivoire, South Africa, Tanzania, and Nigeria beat out over 75 applicants from across Africa to participate in the course.

The African Investigative Journalism Conference reaches its 19th year

KAS Media Africa Supports African Investigative Journalism

KAS Media Africa is a supporter of the important, and often dangerous work that investigative journalists do, particularly on the African continent where it is often difficult to practice, protect sources and verify information. Therefore, KAS Media Africa is proud to be a continuing partner of the biggest investigative journalism conference on African soil, the African Investigative Journalism Conference, in its 19th year.

KAS Media Africa Supports Annual Africa Facts Summit at the University of Mauritius

African factcheckers congregate to discuss all things fact-checking

The 2023 edition of the Africa Facts Summit was held in Port Louis, Mauritius, by Africa Check and hosted at the University of Mauritius. The Summit brought together fact-checking organisations, members of its network and experts from all corners of the continent and beyond.

Oleksandr Popenko / PIJL

Afrikanische Chefredakteure zu Besuch in der Ukraine

Der Kampf um Fakten

Vor Ort sei deutlich zu spüren, dass dies eine Invasion sei - mit Russland als Aggressor. Darüber waren sich die drei Journalisten Dapo Olorunyomi, Herausgeber der führenden nigerianischen investigativen Nachrichtenplattform Premium Times, Simon Allison, Mitbegründer und Chefredakteur von The Continent, eine auf dem ganzen Kontinent gelesene Zeitung, und Mondli Makhanya, Chefredakteur der südafrikanischen Zeitung City Press, der KAS-finanzierten Delegation in die Ukraine einig.