

Belarus in the current geopolitical processes

International conference in Minsk

The conference is devoted to actual problems of foreign policies implementation and national interests of Belarus in its relations with other states, prospects of development of the country and the CEE region in a changing geopolitical realities.



State Scientific Institution «Institute of History of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus», Center for History of geopolitics


Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Belarus office

are pleased to invite you to participate in the international conference «Belarus in the current geopolitical processes»

which will take place on March 30-31th in Minsk, Republic of Belarus.

In a rapidly changing world the Republic of Belarus is involved in the geopolitical processes that make up the new challenges and threats and at the same time the potential opportunities for our country. The formation of new centers of power and the evolution of the existing ones, processes of globalization, inter-state attempts to implement integration projects, financial crises and regional conflicts – all of these directly or indirectly affects Belarus.

Today the region of Central and Eastern Europe entered the period of serious geopolitical shocks and reformatting of the relations established after the collapse of the USSR. Under these conditions the Republic of Belarus tries to keep the peace and to act as a donor of security in the region which proved to be a boundary for a number of major geopolitical actors and alliances.

The conference is devoted to actual problems of foreign policies implementation and national interests of Belarus in its relations with other states, prospects of development of the country and the CEE region in a changing geopolitical realities.

Problem field of the conference:

  1. The present and future of the global geopolitical space. Prospects and opportunities for Belarus
  2. Stability and security in Central and Eastern Europe. Challenges and threats for Belarus and its neighbors.
  3. The Republic of Belarus and the integration processes in the post-post-Soviet reality.
  4. International organizations and implementation of the national interests of Belarus.
  5. The development of bilateral relations of Belarus with foreign states. In search of balance.
We invite scientists, representatives of authorities and administration, the diplomatic corps, experts in the field of international relations and law to participate in the conference.

Conference languages: Belarusian, Russian, English.

The application form

  • Full Name
  • Country of residence
  • The possible organization you represent
  • Occupation
  • Academic rank & academic degree
  • Title and abstract of the report (up to 3000 symbols)
  • e-mail address, contact phone / skype.
Applications are selected on the basis of abstracts of the report which should be sent by February 25, 2017 to the email address subject «Conference».

Following the results of the conference it is planned to publish articles of participants.

Requirements for the articles. Papers accepted for publication should be up to 30 K symbols in MS Word, font Times New Roman size 14, margins: top and bottom - 20 mm., left - 30 mm., right - 15 mm. The sources are listed in the order which they are cited in the report. Endnote references should be in square brackets. The numbered list of references is provided at the end of report. You can find more detailed information about the design of the footnotes at

Papers will be accepted until April 22, 2017 to the email address

The title of the report indicates title, author's name, represented organization, e -mail address.



M. Sidorova

The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

The text the text the text 1, pp. 12-13. Text text text.....

The organizing committee reserves the right of selection of applications for participation in the conference, of appointment the status of the report (plenary report, report), of inclusion of accepted papers in certain sections.

The organizing committee reserves the right of selection of the texts for publication; the texts are not edited and are not returned to the authors.

Travel, accommodation and meal costs covered by conference organizers.

The committee of conference, +375-17-284-23-97


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Academy of Sciences of Belarus


Dr. Wolfgang Sender




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Auslandsbüro Belarus