

State intervention: The case of Belarus

Discussion evening

On June 16, 2016 KAS Belarus, in cooperation with the Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies (Brussels) and European Humanities University, will hold an open discussion on the topic "State Intervention into the Market: The Case of Belarus”.



Should Belarusian government minimize state intervention or maintain it at the present level? How to find the perfect balance between economic expediency and the exigencies of national security? While the proponents of free market claim that government intervention should be strictly minimized as it tends to result in inefficient allocation of resources, others argue that there is a justification for government intervention in the fields exhibiting the "market failure".

These issues, among others, will be thoroughly addressed in the discussion on June 16. Together with the members of the KAS-Martens Centre Discussion Club, the participants of the discussion will weigh the pros and cons of state’s intervention into the market, reflecting the experience from other countries in order to deliberate on the best balance between the free market and the state-controlled economy in the case of Belarus.

The discussion event will include a keynote speech by Dr Christopher A. Hartwell, President of CASE (Center for Social and Economic Research), as well as contributions from the upcoming Belarusian youth experts and a «fishbowl» discussion session, which will allow the participants to engage themselves in the discussion more actively.

The discussion will take place in the Room 213 of EHU Campus (Valakupiu Str. 5, Vilnius). It will begin at 17:30 and will be followed by a light buffet afterwards. The Discussion is open for all those who are interested, but since the amount of places is limited, please let us know about your participation on June 13 at the latest.

Contact: Katsiaryna Andronava,

This event is organised within the framework of the KAS-Martens Centre Discussion Club. It is an excellence initiative of Belarus Country Office of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and the Wilfried Martens Centre for European studies, intended to bring qualified Belarusian students and graduates together for a series of workshops aiming at learning, professionalisation, discussing, exchange of ideas and networking. In the framework of this project, three discussion events will take place, "State Intervention into the Market: The Case of Belarus” being the first one.

The seminar receives financial support from the European Parliament. Sole liability rests with the organizer, the European Parliament is not responsible for the activity.


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EHU, Vilnius


Dr. Wolfgang Sender

