

International Security and NATO in 2017

von Dr. Wolfgang Sender

International Seminar

On December 15, 2017, the Foreign Policy and Security Research Center (Belarus), together with NATO Public Diplomacy Division and Belarus Office of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, organized an international seminar on the topic "International Security and NATO in 2017".


The event was devoted to the current challenges of international security and NATO role in 2017.

The seminar was opened by Merike Kokajev, Ambassador of Estonia to Belarus, Dr Petr Luňák P., NATO Public Diplomacy Division and Dr Wolfgang Sender, Country Director Belarus, Konrad Adenauer Foundation. Panel discussions consisted of two Sessions, during which Belarusian and international exerts presented their views in the form of short inputs and exchanged opinions with other participants:

  • Session 1: Role of NATO in the System of International Security in 2017;

  • Session 2: NATO and Postsoviet Region Countries in 2017


