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Event Reports

Media Programme opens news office of Asia News Network (ANN) in India

Workshop for ANN Member The Statesman

Together with its institutional partner Asia News Network (ANN), the KAS Media Programme Asia has opened a new office in Delhi, India. In an additional workshop, the online editors of The Statesman have been trained.

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In future, the newly opened ANN-office in Delhi will be supporting the ANN news desk in Bangkok. With two news desks it will now be possible to spread news around the clock even across different time zones. Both news desks are responsible for controlling and editing incoming news from ANN-members as well as providing these news for the other members through an online editorial system. Moreover, Torben Stephan, director of the KAS Media Programme Asia, used the time in Delhi to train the online editors of the ANN-member The Statesman how to use the ANN editorial system. Hence, national news from India, an especially for the region important country, can be spread more efficiently.

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