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60 Years of Social Market Economy: A Letter from Mr. Klaus Preschle, Country Representative, KAS Philippines

Jena Manifesto for the Renewal of the Social Market Economy

A short message for Filipino partners and friends regarding the recently published and translated Jena Manifesto for the Renewal of the Social Market Economy from KAS country representative Mr. Klaus Preschle;

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The German Social Market Economy is well-known as the basis for the “German economic miracle” that took place in the 1950’s and the successful integration of East Germany into the liberal, market-oriented and democratic order of the West. From the very beginning, Social Market Economy was understood as a concept for development, economy and society at large. Political vision and academic spirit, closely linked to the names of Ludwig Erhard, Konrad Adenauer, Walter Eucken and Wilhelm Röpke, paved the way for a concept that guaranteed prosperity, stability and social justice.

A group of scholars, entrepreneurs and research institutes, among them the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, has called for a rediscovery of the basic principles of the Social Market Economy to successfully address the challenges of globalization.

They are calling for courage to venture out of social immaturity and to shape the state as a liberal, social and just body politic again.

This call might not only be helpful to better understand the basic principles of Social Market Economy in our own country, but also to introduce this concept in other parts of the world, especially its relevance in times of globalization.

The manifesto was declared from the German city of Jena and is therefore called the Jena manifesto.

I am sure that this document will be of interest in the Philippines. It may inspire the debate about Philippine development, economy and society.

Sincerely yours,

Klaus Preschle


CLICK HERE FOR: The Jena Manifesto for the Renewal of the Social Market Economy


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