

Accra: Political Parties Manifestos and Elections


for Trade and Business Associations, Civic Groups, political Parties, GUTA.



Private Sector Meeting with Political Parties on Party Manifestos


Since the country returned to constitutional rule in 1993, various Governments have introduced initiatives aimed at projecting the private sector as an indispensable partner in national development. Yet the private sector is still bedevilled with difficulties which span from systemic inefficiencies, domestic and regional market constraints, supply chain challenges to human resource and capacity constraints.

In April 2008 the Private Enterprise Foundation organized a Forum for representatives of Private Sector Associations to interact with presidential candidates of the various political parties to discuss their related policies. The occasion also created an opportunity for private sector operators to meet the presidential candidates to present problems confronting the sector. The Forum gave an opportunity to members of the business community to interact with aspiring Presidential Candidates, as part of the Foundation’s private sector policy advocacy activities directed proactively towards the Presidency.

It was expected that the manifestos of the presidential candidates will reflect and be enriched by the suggestions, ideas, worries and statements emanating from the deliberations.

The major political parties have launched their manifestos.

The Private Enterprise Foundation seeks support of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung to organize a meeting for representatives of the private sector and political parties to deliberate more specifically on the policy initiatives as captured in the published manifestoes of political parties and their expected impact on the productive sector of the economy.


The objectives of the meeting include the following:

  • To engage Political Parties on their manifestoes and their expected impact on business promotion and growth.
  • To have further interaction more with Political Parties as part of the Foundation’s private sector policy advocacy and promotion activities for this election year.
  • To challenge Political Parties to give assurances about good democratic, political and economic governance emphasizing that peace, security and good governance are of paramount interest to private sector growth.

Anticipated Results

  • Build a strategic partnership between the private sector and political parties to accelerate economic development of the country.
  • Proactively influence policies of Political Parties and future governments, to enhance business promotion and growth.
  • Create a congenial atmosphere for a purposeful interaction and reduce political tension


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Klaus D. Loetzer

Head of the KAS office in Tunisia




Freier Unternehmensverband (PEF)

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Auslandsbüro Ghana