

Culture and Development Planning

Workshop for Northern Sectors

Target Group: District planning Officers, District Coordinating Directors and Cultural administrators



The Upper East And West Regional Workshop On Culture And Development Planning

Rationale and Objectives of the Workshop

Culture contributes so much to the overall economic growth of the nation but yet receives scant attention. It remains much misunderstood, underexploited, unrecognized and always relegated to the background during the determination of government’s topmost priorities. If a nation without a culture is like a tree without roots, then culture should not be taken for granted. Culture has to be integrated into all relevant aspects of national development planning processes. The National Commission on Culture and Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in the last five years have worked extensively to bring culture to the lime light in Ghanaian development agenda. The two institutions have organised several sensitization, brainstorming and training programmes at the regional and national levels on Culture and NEPAD, Culture and Education, Culture and Corporate Governance. The programme culminated in the production of the National Cultural Policy which is been used by number of state and para-state agencies.

The Commission and the Foundation have move to a lower level to sensitize district office administrators on the need to integrate culture into the district development programmes as well as appreciate the role of culture in development planning. It is on this basis that a workshop is being organised in Bolgatanga in the Upper East Region. The workshop is meant for participants from Upper East and Upper West Regions. The theme for workshop is “Culture and Development Planning”

The workshop therefore aims at achieving the following objectives:

  • Sensitizing participants as to how to integrate culture into the various domains of national development planning processes in order to accelerate poverty reduction and wealth creation.
  • Creating institutional linkages with the District Assemblies for effective cultural administration.
  • Evolving mutually beneficial cultural programmes and activities to accelerate poverty reduction and wealth creation at the grassroot level.
Target Participants

about 50 drawn from 16 districts

  1. Cultural Administrators
  2. District Coordinating Directors
  3. District Budget Planning Officers
  4. Chiefs and Traditional Leaders
  5. Consultants
Profile of Activities

Opening Ceremony

  1. Self Introduction and introduction of Chairman and invited Guests
  2. Chairman’s Acceptance Remarks
  3. Statement from Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung
  4. Opening Remarks from NCC
  5. Chairman’s Closing Remarks
  6. Remarks from former NCC Chairman
  7. Vote of Thanks

Table of Presentations

  • Prof. George Hagan: "Ghana’s Culture: Unity in Diversity"

  • Mr. Michael Attipoe: "The Regional/District Cultural Officer operations, linkages with the District Assemblies and other Agencies"
  1. The Core Functions
  2. Planning of District Cultural Programmes and Projects
  3. Decentralisation of Culture vis-avis the operations of the District Assemblies and other MDAs.

  • Regional Economic Planning Officer: "Regional Economy – Briefing on Situational Analysis"
  • Mr. William Boateng: "Identification of District Cultural Programmes and Projects and the management of the project cycle components"
  1. Rationalization/classification of tangible and intangible heritage assets
  2. Project Proposal Development
  3. Development of Log frame
  4. Budgeting for Cultural Programmes & Projects
  5. Management of Project Cycle Components
  6. Reporting on Cultural Programmes and Projects

Group Work: Developing synopsis for a cultural project in the District

  • Presentation of Group Reports
  • Questions and Answers

For more information:

National Commission on Culture

Mr. Michael Atipoe



Mr. Isaac Owusu-Mensah

+233-661030/ +233 20 8169299


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  • National Commission on Culture

    Klaus D. Loetzer

    Head of the KAS office in Tunisia



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    Auslandsbüro Ghana