

Promoting social accountability


The objective of the WS is to sensitize the informal sector to participate in the decentralization process by assessing their contributions towards resources mobilization and to demanding accountability from public office holders in the Assemblies



In May 2007, Ghana Union of Traders Association with the support of KAS organised a workshop on resources mobilization and the promotion of social accountability for civic groups in Wenchi, Techiman and Nkoranza Districts of Brong-Ahafo Region. The objective of to sensitizing the informal sector to participate in the decentralization process was in two folds

  1. To assess their contributions towards resources mobilization and the work of their respective Assemblies and
  2. To demanding accountability from public office holders in the Assemblies through informal mechanism and tools available to civil society groups such as a request of provision of basic social services before taxes are paid.
As an outcome of the workshop, participants formed district committees to monitor the work of their Assemblies. These committees have been working since 2007 with their Assemblies on various themes on various themes.

The end of 2008 marks the end of New Patriotic Party Government and ushering in of the National Democratic Congress administration. With the changing administration it is imperative to organise a workshop for civil society groups who participated in the previous workshop and bring new groups on board to assess the progress made so far. The challenges of the mechanism been used and adopt appropriate strategies for the next four years especially since the new administration have the tendency to adopt new approach towards development and the extent of involvement of civil society in local governance.

At the close of the workshop, it is expected that participants will continue the work of the District oversight committees and work with their respective Assemblies to make meaningful input into the decentralization process.

The workshop is slated as follows:

Date: 3rd to 5th February 2009

Venue: Dery Hotel, Techiman, Brong Ahafo Region

Participants: Trade and Business Associations, Civic Groups, Political Parties, GUTA members and opinion leaders in Techiman, Nkoranza North and South Districts.



Mr. Yeboah Assiamah

Zonal President



Isaac Owusu-Mensah

Snr. Programme Officer



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  • Trade and Business Associations
    • Civic Groups
      • political Parties
        • GUTA and opinion leaders in Techiman
          • Nkoranza North and South Districts

            Klaus D. Loetzer

            Head of the KAS office in Tunisia



            Bereitgestellt von

            Auslandsbüro Ghana