

Milestones of three decades of Democracy in Namibia

30 Jahre Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Namibia/Angola

30 Jahre KAS Namibia



From 10.00 h

10.30 h
Official beginning of „Milestones of three decades of Democracy in Namibia”


  • Dennis Zaire, EU CCSO-Project Manager,
  • Stefanie Braun, EWOH II-Project Manager

10.35 h
National Anthem und AU Anthem

10.40 h
Welcoming remarks - Our mission: Democracy!
Thomas W. Keller, Resident Representative KAS Namibia-Angola

10.45 h
Personal recollections “The dawn of Independence – First steps of KAS in Namibia“
Dr. Carl-Josef Weiers, former Resident Representative KAS Namibia-Angola

11.00 h
Key Note Speech: Hon. Prof. Peter Katjavivi, Speaker of the National Assembly

Official opening – Chairman Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Prof. Dr. Norbert Lammert

Event part 1
“Now and then: From the first steps of Africa’s youngest
democracy to challenges and chances 30 years later”

11.30 h
“Now and then – Civil Society”
Samson Ndeikwila, Director Forum for the Future (FFF), and Naita Hishoono, Director Namibia Institute for Democracy (NID)

11.45 h
“Now and then – Women’s rights and Gender equality”
Salatiel Shinedima, Director Women’s Action for Development (WAD)

12.00 h
“Now and then – The Rule of law and the Namibian Constitution”

“Beyond a quarter century of Constitutional Democracy –Process and Progress in Namibia“
Prof. Nico Horn, author and lecturer University of Namibia (UNAM)

12.15 h
“Now and then – Good Governance and Multi- Party Democracy”
John Nakuta, Media Ombudsman and Law Lecturer University of Namibia (UNAM)

12.30 h
Q&A session

13.00 – 14.00 h
Lunch break

Event Part 2
“Shaping the Future”

14.00 h
„The future work of KAS in Namibia and the role of the Namibian youth“
Tilmann Feltes, KAS Desk Officer for Namibia

14.15 h
Panel discussion „Shortcomings and chances of Youth Participation in Namibia“

  • Dennis Zaire (KAS, Moderator), Emma Theofelus (Deputy Speaker Junior Parliament of the Republic ofNamibia)
  • Michael Hasheela (IPPR Research Associate)
  • Eva Aweses (Namibia Men for Gender Justice and FFF)

15.00 h
Q&A session

15.15 h
„The All-inclusive Namibian House: remaining chances and challenges”
Prof. Joseph Diescho

16.00 h
Q&A session

16.15 h
Presentation of Lifetime achievement Award

16.20 h
"Lucky draw"

16.30 h
Closing remarks
Tilmann Feltes, KAS Desk Officer

Hier finden Sie das Programm zum Download: Programm 30 Jahre Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Namibia/Angola


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Thomas W. Keller

Thomas W

Leiter des Auslandsbüros Namibia Angola +264 61 225-568 +264 61 225-678

