

Members of the Academe and the Basic Sectors Call for Sensitivity to the Social Environment of Federalism




17 May 2005 The Social Environment of Federalism: Issues & Challenges at the Mandarin Hotel, Makati City

On May 17, 2005, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung and the Sambayanihan Foundation invited 3 distinguished members of the Philippine academe to present the results of their studies on issues related to the question of whether the social environment in the Philippines was ready for or organically receptive to a federal form of government.

Dr. Mina Ramirez, President of the Asian Social Institute; UP College of Political Science Professor Dr. Claire Carlos, also President of the Center for Asia-Pacific Studies; and Ateneo Psychology Professor Dr. Christina Jayme Montiel, Senior Fellow at the Asian Public Intellectuals Program, Nippon Foundation presented on the social support in the Philippines for federalism, the issue of whether federalism might decrease the social cleavages in the country and lead to greater political stability, and the political psychology of transitioning to a federal form of government in the Philippines, respectively. ( Papers from the conference are available in the Publications Section)

Senator Aquilino Pimentel urged the Filipino people to embrace the Federal idea as a means to address “spotty” economic development in the nation, which he blamed on the fact that economic planning is done by the central government in Manila. Pimentel argued that Federalism would reduce the strain on the Administration, in particular the President, and on the Manila LGUs. Pimentel also argued that a federal system would stabilize the country politically. Klaus Preschle, country representative of KAS, gave a presentation on the Political system of Federal Germany with a focus on the fiscal models and party and electoral systems utilized in his home country.

Representatives from the various Philippine political parties, the international and NGO community, the legislature, the local government, the women’s sector, the urban poor, the farming and fishing communities also attended the event to present their community’s views on federalism and react to the presentations. Among the distinguished guests and speakers were Amina Bernardo-Rasul, Lead Convenor of the Philippine Council of Islam and Democracy (PCID) and Rep. Hermilando Mandanas.


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Mandarin Hotel, Makati City


Klaus Preschle



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Auslandsbüro Philippinen