

Misamis Oriental's Select Clusters to Adapt Thailand's Best Practice Model

on Fiscal Management and Investment Promotion

Since the beginning of March 2010, Local Government Development Foundation (LOGODEF) entered into partnership with Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and organizations from 4 other Southeast Asian nations for a project co-funded by the European Commission.



The action is entitled Partnership for Democratic Local Governance in Southeast Asia (DELGOSEA) which involves the identification and exchange of best practices on democratic local governance in the thematic fields of: (1) people’s participation in planning and decision making; (2) institutional governance; (3) inclusive urban public services with focus on urban environment; and (4) fiscal management improvement and investment promotion strategies. The four other Southeast Asian countries are Thailand, Cambodia, Indonesia and Vietnam.

After a project workshop – a venue for the presentation of 27 best practices on democratic local governance – held in Cambodia, a total of 16 best practices have been finally selected and made available for transfer to or adaptation by selected pilot Local Government Units (LGU), region-wide.

The province of Misamis Oriental, being a long-time partner of LOGODEF has been nominated as one of the pilot LGUs that will implement an identified best practice model. Within the framework of inter-local cooperation, the municipal clusters of Manticao-Lugait-Naawan (ManLuNa) and Binuangan-Kinoguitan-Sugbongcogon (BinKiSu) of the province will implement the identified Best Practice Model.

Last August 13, the ceremonial signing of the Memorandum of Understanding among the DELGOSEA Project, Misamis Oriental Province and its two clusters of municipalities took place. In this formal gathering, the best practice model to be adapted by the clusters is also named. The clusters have chosen to replicate Phuket’s Old Town Commercial Zone Development Project as the same would allow the clusters and its member–LGUs to rethink its development approach.

Thailand’s best practice on budgeting and investment in economic revival would allow the municipal cluster to learn how to blend the past with the present and future, at the same time creating opportunities to improve income through tourism as in the case of Phuket. Community identity imbued with pride in their most cherished traditions and culture shall also be strengthened.

Furthermore, preserving and restoring the past of Phuket against the backdrop of the growing development in Thailand as a whole would be an enriching lesson and a valuable input in crafting the ManLuNa Development Concept and Master Plan which will be the municipal cluster’s road map of the future. ManLuNa would also learn on community structures and cultures as well as local government structures that made the Phuket experience a success.

While the ManLuNa cluster has been vocal about the expected benefits of adapting this best practice, it is without doubt that the same benefits are also perceived by the BinKiSu Cluster. With Cagayan de Oro City’s current pace of development and the eventual completion and operation of the International Airport at Laguindingan, both clusters can offer themselves as best destinations for people who opt to experience the peace and quiet of a rustic environment which is found wanting in urban centres.


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Hotel Conchita, Cagayan de Oro City


Dr. Peter Köppinger

Representative of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in the Philippines

The Memorandum of Agreement signing was headed by Governor Oscar Moreno, Province of Misamis Orientals and Prof. Crescencio Doma, National Coordinator of the Philippine Coordination Office of DELGOSEA. LOGODEF




Local Government Development Foundation (LOGODEF) v_2

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