

Moro Times 1st Year Anniversary

The MoroTimes celebrates its first year anniversary after launching the Islam and Democracy Media Forum series.



The Konrad Adneuaer Stiftung (KAS) congratulated the MoroTimes on its first year anniversary celebration during a luncheon gathering held last July 25, 2007 at the Club Filipino. The MoroTimes is a monthly supplement to the Manila Times organized by Philippine Council for Islam and Democracy (PCID) Lead Convenor Amina Rasul which focuses on the impending issues of Muslim Mindanao.

The event was highlighted by a ceremonial ribbon cutting to the exhibit of the twelve issues of the paper, which comes out every last Friday of the month. The ribbon-cutting ceremony was attended by KAS Country Representative Klaus Preschle, Moro Times Editor-in-Chief and PCID Lead Convenor Amina Rasul, Magbassa Kita Foundation (MKFI) chair former Sen. Santanina Rasul, Sen. Loren Legarda, Atty. Nasser Marohomsalic, Australian Ambassador Athony Hely, and Sen. Aquilino Pimentel Jr.

Also giving their congratulatory messages at the luncheon celebration were San Juan Mayor JV Ejercito and Manila Times CEO and President Dante Francis “Klink” Ang, who remarked that the MoroTimes is “…a social investment needed to give the peoples of Muslim Mindanao a voice.”


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Club Filipino, San Juan City


Klaus Preschle



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Auslandsbüro Philippinen