

Seminar Workshop on the Codification of Teduray and Lambangian




The Notre Dame University, ARMM Regional Legislative Assembly and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation are organizing a seminar workshop on Codification of Indigenous and Customary Laws. This workshop shall assist policymakers in the ARMM in coming up with sound and effective legislations aimed at addressing the peace and development issues of the region. This will be held on November 16-17, 2004 in Davao City.

Tentative Program:

Monday, November 15

5:00 p.m.Arrival & Registration

Tuesday, November 16

8:00 a.m.Preliminaries


§Welcome Remarks: Fr. Ramon Ma. Bernabe, OMI

§Message: Hon. Klaus Preschle

§Message: Hon. Hatimil Hassan

Introduction to the Workshop

§Introduction of Participants


§Presentation of Program

9:00Codification of Customary Laws

§The need to codify Customary Laws

§Some Concerns in the codification of Customary Laws

10:00Snack Break

10:30Legal Bases for the Codification of Teduray and Lambangian Customary Laws

§RA 8371 (IPRA)

§RA 9054 (Expanded Organic Act)

11:30Prayer and Lunch Break

1:00 p.m.Codification of Teduray and Lambangian Customary Laws




Presentation of the Proposed Code (Part 1)

3:00Snack Break

3:30Presentation of the Proposed Code (Part 2)

4:30Simultaneous Workshops

6:00Prayer and Dinner Break

Wednesday, November 17

8:00 a.m.Plenary Presentation of Workshop Results on Parts 1 and 2

9:30Presentation of Proposed Code (Part 3)

10:30Snack Break

11:00Presentation of Proposed Code (Part 4)

12:00 p.m.Lunch Break

1:00Simultaneous Workshops

3:00Snack Break

3:30Presentation of Workshop Results on Parts 3 and 4

4:00Process of Law-making in the ARMM RLA


5:00Closing Ceremonies

§Message: Hon. Tommy Ala


§Distribution of Certificates

§Closing Remarks: Hon. Klaus Preschle


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Davao City (specific venue to be announced)


Klaus Preschle


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