

Towards a Philippine Parliamentary Democracy




Draft Program

2:00 Welcome Remarks

Dr. Bernardo M. Villegas

Dean of School of Economics University of Asia and the Pacific

Mr. Klaus Preschle

KAF-Country Representative

2:15 Keynote Address

Jose De Venecia

Speaker of the House of Representative

2:30 Panel of Speakers:

A Comparison of French, Germany and British Parliamentary Systems

Atty. Bernard Duc

Deputy Chairman od Polls-Royce South East Asia Advisory Board

2:45 Towards a Philippine Parliamentary Democracy

Mr. Frolian Bacungan

Dean of Philippine Social Science Center

3:00 Federalism

Dr. Jose Abueva

President of Kalayaan College

3:15 Proposed Economic reforms in the Constitution

Ambassador Jose V. Romero, Jr.

Executive Director of Asian Center for the Study of Democracy

4:00 Open Forum

Panel of Interrogators

Secretary Amado Luis Lagdameo, Jr.

Director of Christian Muslim Democratic Movement

Atty. Andres Bautista

Dean of College of Law, Far East University

Secretary Camilo L. Sabio

National Anti Poverty Commission%%5

Dr. Clarita R. Carlos

University of the Philippines

5:00 Refreshments


Zum Kalender hinzufügen


PLDT Room, 4th Floor APEC Building, University of Asia and the Pacific


  • Dr. Bernardo VillegasMr. Klaus PreschleJose de VeneciaAtty Bernad DucMr. Frolian BacunganDr. Jose AbuevaAmbass. Jose Romero
    • Jr.Secr. Amado Luis Lagdameo
      • Jr.Atty. Andres BautistaSecr. Camilo SabioDr. Clarita Carlos

        Klaus Preschle



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        Auslandsbüro Philippinen