

Training of Local Facilitators and Secretariat & a Forum with Peace Panelists for the GRP - RPM-M Peace Process

Local Governance, Participatory Rural Appraisal & Barangay Developmenmt and Budgeting




Background Information on the GRP - RPM-M Peace process

The Rebolusyonaryong Partido ng Manggagawa ng Mindanao (RPM-M) used to be the Mindanao "component" of the Communist Party until they decided to break away. Later on they became known as the Central Mindanao Region (CMR) rejectionist group. Afterwards they joined other rejectionist factions from Luzon and Visayas to form the RPM-P with Ike de los Reyes as the Secretary-General. RPM-P started peace negotiations with the Estrada government but failed to reach a national agreement as Ike's Mindanao group decided to split from RPM-P. They eventually formed RPM-M.

In July 2003, President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo has created the Government of the Philippines (GRP) Panel for Negotiations with RPM-M.

This Government Peace Panel, which is under the supervision of the Office of the President Adviser on the Peace Process (OPAPP) is composed of Iligan City Mayor Franklin M. Quijano as Chairperson with NAPC Secretary Teresita Quintos-Deles and Philippine Councilors' League Chairperson, Frolian Melendres, as members.

The GRP Peace Panel has been mandated to undertake negotiations in accordance with the Government's policy framework for peace and the national agenda on poverty alleviation. Similarly, RPM-M has also formed its own counterpart panel.

The process, which is expected to last ten months will have two basic tracks: The Political Settlement Component and the Development Track. While negotiations will be going on between the two panels, comunity-based consultations in the area where RPM-M forces are present will also be conducted.

The Konrad Adenauer Foundation is involved in the peace process by supporting a Peace Conference among the Stakeholders, as well as, the Training of Local Facilitators and Secretariats in Local Governance, Participatory Rural Appraisal & Barangay Development Planning and Budgeting

Trainers' Training on Local Governance, Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) & Barangay Development Planning and Budgeting

This five day training is aimed at enhancing the knowledge, skills and capabilities of the local facilitators. The participants will get to know the Local Government Code of 1991, get familiar with pillars and processes of PRA, they will determine steps on participatory Barangay Development Planning and Budgeting, develop basic skills in facilitation, as well as, incorporate peace and development principles in local governance.

Forum with the GRP - RPM-M Peace Panelists

Subsequent to the training a forum with the Peace Panelists will be hold, in which among others Mayor Franklin M. Quijiano (GRP), Mrs. Anisa Bulosan (RPM-M) and Mr. Klaus Preschle, Country Representative of KAF-Philippines are going to attend.


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Cagayan de Oro City


  • Mayor Franklin M. Quijano (Chairperson of GRP)Mrs. Anisa Bulosan (RPM-M)Mr. Klaus Preschle (KAF-Country Representative)

    Klaus Preschle

