




Philippine Strategic Outlook 2024 Onwards: National Security and Economic Resilience

6th Katipunan Conference

Foreign policy analysts point to an imminent cold war set to bifurcate the global economy between one group of countries allied with the United States and another aligned with China and Russia. Navigating this new economic and geopolitical terrain will be critical for many countries that seek to chart stable and sustained pathways for both economic development and national security.



Harnessing AI for Inclusive Development & National Competitiveness

Experience A New Era of Progress

This event is organized by the Asian Institute of Management Rizalino S. Navarro Policy Center for Competitiveness with support from Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Philippines.


Adenauer Young Leaders Program Batch 2

Third Module

The last module of the Adenauer Young Leaders Program will take place from 5 to 9 August in Iloilo City. This final leg will center on leadership, specifically co-creating solutions, economics, and project execution and closing. We can't wait to reunite with our fellows and extend a warm welcome to the City of Love!



The Influence of Deep Fakes on Elections

Manila Calling


Adenauer Security Experts Network Philippines


We are excited to meet the next Philippine security policy and studies sector leaders! The 2024 Adenauer Security Experts Network Philippines (SeEN PH) will meet in Manila from 7 - 11 July and participate in the SeEN PH Program seminar.


Adenauer Young Leaders Program Batch 3

Call for Applications

We are excited to announce the call for applications for the AYLP Batch 3! If you are a young leader passionate about making a difference in your organization, group, or community, we want you!

Studien- und Informationsprogramm

Call for Papers: Philippine Strategic Outlook 2024 Onwards

6th Katipunan Conference

The 6th Katipunan Conference is now accepting submissions! This year's theme is "Philippine Strategic Outlook 2024 Onwards: National Security and Economic Resilience." We look forward to receiving your papers!

Studien- und Informationsprogramm

Call for Applications

KAS Philippines Internship Program


Reimagining Margins, Reclaiming Borders

2024 PPSA International Conference


Empowering Youth Leaders

SK Capacity Building on Parliamentary Procedures and ABYIP Crafting

Young leaders can significantly impact their communities, especially when they get elected. Empowering them with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in their roles fosters youth leadership, engagement, and empowerment.

Studien- und Informationsprogramm

Adenauer Security Experts Network Philippines (SeEN PH)

Call for Applications


The Role of CSOs in working with the Government to Advance Competitiveness and Inclusive Growth

Day 1 of 2nd LoGIC CSO Forum: the Role of CSOs in Working with Government to Advance Competitiveness and Inclusive Growth.

LoGIC Project Midterm Review Workshop

The LoGIC Project Management Team and select representatives from partner institutions in the local government units and civil society organizations participated the Project Midterm Review Workshop last April 29-30, 2019 at the Chateau Royale Hotel in Nasugbu, Batangas.

Transformation of Work in Asia-Pacific in the 21st Century

Key Policy Implications

AIM President and Dean Jikyeong Kang set the tone of the event by delivering the opening remarks. Dr. Kang discussed the desired outcome of the forum – igniting conversation on education and human capital development in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR). Dr. Kang emphasized, among many recommendations, innovation and training to prepare the future workforce.

KAS Partners Meeting

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) Philippines Office ends February with a KAS Partners' workshop on federalism. This served as a venue for partners to present and discuss with one another their current projects on federalism. It also paved the way for KAS to bring closer cooperation and project collaboration among their partners.

Breakfast Meeting with the Cardinal for World Interfaith Harmony Week

In seinem achten Jahr war das Thema des Frühstückstreffens mit dem Kardinal die Ehrlichkeit, Aufrichtigkeit und Vergebung. Das Treffen, an dem das diplomatische Korps, Einrichtungen vieler religiöser Konfessionen und andere Institutionen teilnahmen, begann mit einer Begrüßung des Ministers für ökumenische und interreligiöse Angelegenheiten der Erzdiözese Manila, Rev. Fr. Carlos V. Reyes.

The 2019 SWS Survey Review

Der Umfragebericht der Social Weather Stations (SWS) erfasst die Einschätzungen von Filipinos zu verschiedenen Themen: Politik, Wirtschaft, Religion, internationale Beziehungen usw. Die Veranstaltung wurde vom Asian Institute of Management Rizalino S. Navarro Policy Center for Competitiveness organisiert und von der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) Philippinen unterstützt. Die SWS, unter der Leitung ihres Präsidenten Dr. Mahar Mangahas, präsentierte ihre Umfrageergebnisse aus dem Jahr 2018.

Eine historische Abstimmung für die Zukunft des Bangsamoros

Ja oder Nein?

Der Leiter des KAS Auslandsbüros Philippinen, Prof. Dr. Stefan Jost, nahm an der vom KAS-Partner, dem Institut für Autonomie und Governance (IAG) in Cotabato City, vom 20. bis 22. Januar 2019 organisierten Veranstaltung „Desisyon 2019: eine besondere Berichterstattung über die Volksabstimmung von Bangsamoro Organic Law” teil.

Maritime Disputes in the South China Sea

Navigating the Diplomatic Waters

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Philippines Office, the Asian Institute of Management Rizalino S. Navarro Policy Center for Competitiveness, and Ruhr-Universität Bochum held a conference, "Maritime Disputes in the South China Sea: Navigating the Diplomatic Waters" on Friday, 23 November 2018 at the Makati Diamond Residences.

Public Service Delivery Practices in Southeast Asia

The Partnership for Democratic Local Governance in Southeast Asia (DELGOSEA) marks the end of its event in Singapore. The meeting focused on the topic, “Public Service Delivery Practices in Southeast Asia.”

Dezentralisierung auf den Philippinen

Bürgermeister und Stadtentwickler der Metropolregion Manila zu Gast bei der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.

Spätestens seit der Wahl Rodrigo Dutertes zum aktuellen Präsidenten der Philippinen hat die Debatte um eine Dezentralisierung des Landes neu Feuer gefangen. Im Rahmen eines Besuchs in der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Berlin informierten sich Bürgermeister, Gemeinderäte und Stadtentwickler der Metropolregion Manila über den Föderalismus in Deutschland. Empfangen wurde die Delegation von Dr. Gerhard Wahlers, dem stellvertretenden Generalsekretär der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung.

Zeige 31 - 40 von 66 Ergebnissen.