

Informationsfreiheit in Asien

Freedom of Information Laws - Advantage or Challenge?

Ende Oktober veranstaltet das RSP Asien in Kooperation mit der Universität Hong Kong eine Konferenz zum Thema Informationsfreiheit in Asien, wobei der Fokus auf den Herausforderungen der (nicht) bestehenden Rechtslage in den jeweiligen Ländern liegt.



The distinguished foreign speakers will gather at the premises of HKU on October 22nd/23rd to discuss questions such as emerging legislation and case law regarding the access to information, access to information and environmental protection as well as public interest, protection of the personal sphere and the role of the media. Since in many countries acts concerning access to information are not even considered by the respective legislatures this conference is seen as only the beginning of an ongoing debate and the core issues will be addressed further on in the next months and years. It is also envisaged to draft a model law on access to information in the near future. The results and ideas brought up in the various discussions within the sessions of the upcoming conference will certainly help promoting this ambitious project.


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Hong Kong


  • Prof. Johannes Chan
    • Dean
    • Faculty of Law
    • University of Hong Kong
  • Prof. Dr. Johannes Weberling
    • Media Lawyer and Assoc. Prof. for Media Law
    • European University Viadrina
    • Germany
  • Prof. JR Yeh
    • College of Law
    • Taiwan National University

Clauspeter Hill

Clauspeter Hill bild

Stellv. Leiter der Hauptabteilung Europäische und Internationale Zusammenarbeit +49 30 26996-3481 +49 30 26996-3552
Informationsfreiheit in Asien


Bereitgestellt von

Rechtsstaatsprogramm Asien