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Event Reports

Perspectives for the European Future of Albania

Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation Albania in cooperation with the “Political Academy” organized the forum “Perspectives for the European Future of Albania” with members of the Democratic Party of Albania and the European Parliament to discuss on matters concerning the current political situation of the country as well as it’s perspective toward the integration in the European Union, with a special emphasis on the challenges and goals that are embodied in this process.

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Honorable guest of this discussion panel were the chairman of the Christian Democratic Union Mr. Armin Laschet, the leader of the Democratic Party of Albania Mr. Lulzim Basha, the representative of the European Parliament Mr. Michael Gahler, former-member Mr. Elmar Brok and the austrian deputy, Mr. Reinhold Lopatka.

The director of the KAS Mr. Tobias Rüttershoff emphasized in his welcome speech the duties of all political forces in Albania, in reference to the forthcoming parliamentary elections of April 25th, to fulfill the needed conditions for free and fair elections. He underlined beyond that that the focus of the discussion should be shifted toward the challenges of the integration in the European Union and among others, also toward the current socio-economic state of the country, namely the massive migration of the educated working force, the unfavorable conditions for small enterprises as well the judicial reform. In addition to Rüttershoff, the head of the CDU Armin Laschet stated that Albania has still to progress economically. He pointed out that the modernization and stabilization of the Western Balkan is in the interest of the European Union and that the union has committed itself to strengthen the cultural, economic, scientific cooperation with the country.

A similar commitment was promised from the leader of the Democratic Party of Albania Lulzim Basha, which highlighted the engagement of its party to work with international strategic allies and other members of the EU into accelerating the membership process of the country. The integration of the Western Balkans in the Union was a central issue also for Reinhold Lopatka which stressed once more the position of the Republic of Austria as an adherent supporter of the Integration of Albania into the EU. Euro-deputies Michael Gahler and Elmar Brok focused themselves at the freedom of the press and the judicial reform. Gahler appreciated the progress the country has made into implementing the reforms however emphasized the results of them are yet to be evaluated. Concerning the freedom of the press, Gahler expressed his dissatisfaction with the new legislation.

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Klaudja Zerva

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