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„Adenauer-Konferenz“: Germany's Role in International Security Policy
German security policy - between obligations and capabilities

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Hi Ai - the AI congress for everyone

Artificial intelligence as a driver of innovation in government and society

On 20 March 2024, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation is hosting a congress on artificial intelligence (AI) in Berlin. The focus will be on political dialogue on the opportunities and challenges that AI brings for democracy, education and the economy. In addition, various formats such as workshops, training sessions, exhibitions and pitches will provide an insight into various AI applications that are shaping the present and are likely to influence the near future.


Maritime security in East Asia

The aftermath of the Russian invasion of Ukraine

Maritime security has evolved as one of the most consequential issues in Asia. We are witnessing the coming of age of the so-called middle powers, as well as a new focus of the established great powers. Maritime security is becoming the central nexus tying the different challenges of the region, such as territorial disputes, supply chains, and naval build-up, together.

Expert talk

Europas Transformation zur Klimaneutralität

Wie umgehen mit Degrowth und grünem Bruttoinlandsprodukt?

In der Debatte um die Transformation zur Klimaneutralität haben Degrowth-Konzepte zuletzt eine prominente Rolle eingenommen. Dabei sind Spielarten von Degrowth mittlerweile bis in die Mittelschicht verbreitet. Zusammen mit Jana Schimke MdB, Prof. Dr. Jan Schnellenbach und Dr. Jörn Quitzau wollen wir den Konzepten rund um Degrowth und einem grünen Bruttoinlandsprodukt auf den Grund gehen. Dabei sollen berechtigte Fragen zum Ressourcenverbrauch im Rahmen der Sozialen Marktwirtschaft beantwortet werden.


Policy Accelerator for Climate Innovation

Demo Day


Tiergarten Talks 2023

Call to Arms - How to Change a Nation's Strategic Mindset?

The yearly discussion forum and networking event for members of our working groups and the young foreign policy community in Berlin


State of Europe 2023

Impulses for a sustainable Europe

On November 9, the Allianz Forum at Pariser Platz 6 in Berlin will ceremoniously open its doors for what is now the 14th "State of Europe". This occasion offers us the opportunity to honour the multi-layered significance of this memorable date in German history in the context of the outstanding successes of the European unification process.


F.A.Z.-KAS-Debatte 2023

Sicherheit in Krisenzeiten: Wie wehrhaft ist Deutschland?

Wehrhaftigkeit, Sicherheit, Resilienz: Diesen Themen widmet sich die diesjährige F.A.Z.-KAS-Debatte zur Internationalen Politik. Am 4. Oktober wollen wir mit unseren prominenten Podiumsgästen und mit Ihnen im Rittersaal der Universität Mannheim diskutieren. Seien Sie dabei! #fazkas23


18. Jahreskonferenz der Kyjiwer Gespräche

Zivilgesellschaft im Krieg und Wiederaufbau


The KAS Day 2023

"See and be seen – generations connect even more"


“I’m not afraid, let them be afraid”


Ladies and Gentlemen, “I am not afraid, let them be afraid” – these were the words of Ales Bialiatski, said to Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, the leader of the democratic forces, before returning to Minsk. Soon after, he was arrested and imprisoned. This year, the court in Belarus has sentenced Bialiatski to 10 years’ imprisonment on politically motivated grounds.