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Book presentation

Carbon Pricing in Sub-Saharan Africa

Analysis of the appropriateness of different carbon pricing models and their advantage to be introduced in Africa

(i) Presentation of the study “Carbon pricing in Sub-Saharan Africa” (ii) Discussion of the Senegal case and possible application in the country.


Benin Eco-Citizen Days: Challenges of the Climate-Food-Habitat-Energy nexus

Challenges of the Climate-Food-Habitat-Energy nexus

This project consists of supporting sustainable development initiatives within local communities through integrated dialogue between all stakeholders (politicians, specialists, academics and citizens).

Expert conference

Southern Africa after the Election Year 2019

In May 2019 the African National Congress (ANC) won another, though this time unconvincing, electoral victory in South Africa. President Ramaphosa has to deal with a difficult political and economic situation after the “State Capture” of the network around former president Jacob Zuma. Ramaphosa’s “New Dawn” pledges of economic growth and anti-corruption have so far not been implemented with the desired effectiveness, not least due to intra-party disputes within the ANC. At the same time, the largest opposition party, the Democratic Alliance (DA), struggles to find a new strategy after internal disputes and the election of a new leadership which raises new questions about the role of opposition parties and coalition building.


Regional Meetings on Renewable Energies of the Great North Cameroon

Planning of decentralized rural electrification in the Great North of Cameroon using renewable energy sources

The regional meeting on renewable energies entitled "Planning decentralized rural electrification in the Great North of Cameroon using renewable energy sources", are designed to exchange and provide answers to questions raised by officials, parliamentarians as well as civil societies on installed and future renewable energy solutions.

Expert talk

African Ministerial Conference on the Environment (AMCEN)

Regional Multi-Stakeholder Consultations for Africa in Preparation for African Ministerial Conference on the Environment

The scope of the two-day consultations is for the African Major Groups and Stakeholders to prepare their inputs for the next session of the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment (AMCEN) and discuss the outcomes of the fourth session of the UN Environment Assembly. The outcome of the meeting will be a regional statement by the Major Groups which will constitute, among other things, recommendations on the UN Secretary General’s Special Summit on Climate Change.

Expert conference

WACEE - West African Clean Energy & Environment

The 7th West African Clean Energy and Environment Trade Fair and Conference 2019 (WACEE’19) is focused on the areas of water, circular economy or energy

This conference will bring together policy makers, start-ups from the field of energy, water and circular economy, and investment stakeholders to discuss and formulate answers to the question: how politics can support start-ups for a green economy?



Sub regional training for young Climate Ambassadors

The workshop will train African young Ambassadors on climate negotiations methods as preparation to their participation to COP 25. Furthermore, this meeting will be centered on "Time for Action - Gender and Climate Finance". Climate finance, aid and financial and technological transfers remain at the center of discussions between Southern and Northern countries. Access to resources for active organizations, including women's and youth associations, is an issue of international networks of civil society.


Community media training on communication for climate change

This workshop is to train community media in the West, Littoral, Central and Northwest Regions on Behavior Change Communication.


Nationally Determined Contributions - Climate Change and Energy Dynamics in West Africa

West African conference on Energy and Climate Change

Energy and Climate Change with particular reference to West African Countries commitments on the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC): achievements, challenges and implementation strategies


Action de la jeunesse sur l’Urgence Climatique

Action de la jeunesse sur l’Urgence Climatique : région de l’Ouest du Cameroun

L'urgence à investir par l'information, la sensibilisation, l'éducation et l'implication des jeunes à tous les niveaux de décision permettra d'accompagner les initiatives déjà prises.

— 10 Items per Page
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Workshop for the preparation of the cameroonian delegation to COP 23 in Bonn

The aim here was to harmonize Cameroon's participation and position by capitalizing on information and its expectations and to give itself a roadmap to speak with one voice during international negotiations at COP 23 in Bonn, Germany.

"La COP CHEZ NOUS", COP in MyCity in Yaounde, Cameroon

Workshop for Youth representatives from the 10 Regions of Cameroon in preparation of the COP23, from 20 to 22 September 2017 at the Palais des Congrès de Yaoundé."COP in my city" is a concept that simulates COPs (Conferences of Parties), bringing together governmental and non-governmental climate change actors every year.

Conference and discussion "Emergence of Africa and the Challenge of Climate Change"

Exchange between traditional authorities, guardians of traditions and ancestral practices and young people from all fields of the university on the Emergence of Africa and the Challenge of Climate Change.

International Workshop "Legal instruments for the effective protection and sustainable management of soils"

Experts from all over the world exchanged on the protection and sustainable management of soils and the encountered challenges. Launch of International Yearbook of Soil Law and Policy 2016.

1st Climate Law Seminar on "The Kenyan Climate Change Act Nr. 11 of 2016: Leading Africa on the way to COP 23?"

During the Seminar, the historical development of the law and policy surrounding climate change was addressed as well as emerging issues in this new area of the law.

Le Cameroun dans la préparation de la COP 23 de Bonn, Allemagne

Réunion au Centre d'information et de documentation sur l'Environnement réunissant partenaires techniques et financiers dans le cadre de la préparation du Cameroun à sa participation à la conférence des Nations Unies sur les Changements Climatiques qui se tiendra en Novembre de cette année à Bonn.

KAS bei der Eröffnung der IFAT AFRICA 2017 in Johannesburg, Südafrika

Die offizielle Eröffnungsveranstaltung von IFAT Africa, fand am 12 September 2017 in Johannesburg statt. Bei der Messe für Wasser-, Abfall- und Rohstoffwirtschaft war die KAS (Programm für Klimapolitik und Energiesicherheit in Sub-Sahara Afrika) von Prof. Dr. Oliver Ruppel vertreten.

"First Yaounde Discussion Forum around Lake Chad: Humanitarian Crisis exacerbated by Climate Change!"

Discussion Forum on "the Nexus between the Humanitarian Crisis in the Lake Chad Basin Region and Climate Change" with focus on the influence of environmental shift and different approaches in living with Climate Change.

Workshop "Biofuels in Cameroon: Challenges and opportunities"

Workshop with representatives of various public ministries in Cameroon to discuss challenges and opportunities related to Biofuels in general and in the country more specifically. The workshop included the presentation of the book "Roadmap for Sustainable Biofuels in Southern Africa: Regulatory frameworks for improved development?"

KAS congratulates incoming president of AMCEN, Minister Estelle Ondo

Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) congratulates the incoming AMCEN President Madame la Ministre Estelle Ondo (Gabonese Ministry of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment Responsible for the Protection and Sustainable Management of Ecosystems).