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Climate Politics after the Coronavirus: What Can We Learn from the Pandemic?

Serie de artículos EKLA #CambioClimáticoentiemposdeCoronavirus

written by Danilo Freire y Umberto Mignozzetti, from Getúlio Vargas Fundation (FGV)

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The political and economic consequences of the new coronavirus have been widely debated in the media. Financial markets have been in trouble since the virus spread to developed countries, and in all likelihood the world economy is heading for a recession.

While measures to stem the virus outbreak have reduced consumption and contamination rates, it remains unclear how it will shape climate governance. As obvious as the link between respiratory diseases and air quality may seem, policymakers have focused on one side of this public health problem: controlling contagion. But we believe that the current pandemic teaches us important lessons about climate change, how to mitigate future risks and how to overcome obstacles in international cooperation.

In this article we invite you to a discussion on what we can learn from international responses to the coronavirus and present some suggestions for policy makers.


Note: Available in English and German.

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Anuska Soares

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