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Can Middle Powers Save the Liberal World Order?

With major powers such as China, Russia, and now also the US, chipping away at the foundations of the liberal international order, it falls to middle powers to sustain and reform some of its key elements.

UK Parliament / flickr / CC BY-NC 2.0

The Disregarded European Question and the British Party System

A Crucial Test for Tories and Labour

The vote by the British people to leave the European Union is not only the manifestation of an economically weak and discontented class. Rather, it reflects a British – and in particular English – handling of the European continent. Since the EU cleavage lays across the conflict lines of the big parties, neither Tories nor Labour can organise majorities capable of acting. Specificities of the political system, political culture and historical factors all serve to tighten the current deadlock. Furthermore, the European question is not only a matter of Britain’s relations with the continent; indeed, it risks threatening the unity of the United Kingdom itself.

Climate change and human security

Case studies linking vulnerable populations to increased security risks in the face of the global climate challenge.

Through a series of case studies, Dr Simon Chin-Yee argues that the threats arising from climate change are manifold but not readily apparent. Issues such as cross-border migration, internal displacement and violent conflicts – concerns that on the surface may seem like traditional security and humanitarian challenges – take on a whole new meaning when analysed more carefully.

Felix Dane in an interview with WELT on the third vote on Theresa May's Brexit deal

Felix Dane, head of the KAS office Great Britain and Ireland, comments on the third vote of the House of Commons on Theresa May's Brexit deal and the possible consequences in an interview with WELT.

US–EU Trade Relations in the Trump Era: Which Way Forward?

This paper recommends a framework for strengthening US–EU trade relations and achieving successful trade talks in the current era of protectionism.

Superpower China - Will Peking soon rule the world?


There is no English version of this report available at the moment.

Felix Dane in an interview with WELT

After prime minister May's Brexit deal was voted down by parliament, everyone's eyes are on Westminster to see what their next step is. In an interview with WELT, Felix Dane discusses different possibilities and says: "Everybody has agreed on what they don't want, but to find [a Brexit] consensus right now is very difficult"

Who Will Save the Liberal World Order?


The liberal world order is in crisis. Signs of internal disintegration combined with new external challenges are creating a maelstrom of conflicting interests that certainly gives grounds for concern. The fact that, now of all times, the United States is increasingly abandoning its role as defender and guarantor of the “Pax ­Americana” is seriously exacerbating the situation and poses the question: who will save the liberal world order?

The Brexit Endgame: Key Challenges Ahead – Perspectives from Germany, Ireland and Scotland


As the Brexit endgame follows an uncertain path to an unclear end point, this timely joint event between the IIEA, the Scottish Centre on European Relations (SCER), and the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) looked at the major challenges and questions ahead, with three panels of high-level German, Irish and Scottish speakers.

Exploring Transatlantic Responses to Far-right Populism in Europe

Simulation Exercise

With the support of Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, the US and the Americas and the Europe programmes at Chatham House worked together on a project examining the currents buffeting politics on both sides of the Atlantic and consider appropriate responses. Under the banner of ‘the backlash against globalization’, the ambition of the project is to explore the challenges to open societies and open economies from different parts of the political spectrum in a comparative transatlantic context. In November 2017 the two programmes held the first activity as part of this initiative.