Asset Publisher

An error occurred while processing the template.
The following has evaluated to null or missing:
==> data.meta [in template "252001#252047#252845" at line 459, column 10]
Tip: It's the step after the last dot that caused this error, not those before it.
Tip: If the failing expression is known to legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (!myDefault, (
FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
- Failed at: #if data.meta.laufendenummer?has_cont... [in template "252001#252047#252845" at line 459, column 5]
1<#-- used @ Veranstaltung-Detailseite Intro 
2 used @ Publikation-Detailseite Intro 
6Web content templates to display teaser on thema detail page 
8Generic template for detail pages Intro / Teaser element 
11Display the current page title 
13<#include "${fullTemplatesPath}/functions/relatedContentUtil.ftl" /> 
14<#include "${fullTemplatesPath}/macros/debugging.ftl" /> 
16<#include "${fullTemplatesPath}/macros/page-modules/PMIntro.ftl" /> 
17<#include "${fullTemplatesPath}/macros/atomic-modules/AMPublicationCarousel.ftl" /> 
18<#include "${fullTemplatesPath}/macros/atomic-modules/AMMetadata.ftl" /> 
19<#include "${fullTemplatesPath}/macros/atomic-modules/AMDatetime.ftl" /> 
23 renders the Intro for nearly all Pages 
24 TODO: remove Share? (was in the designs, but not anymore?) 
25 TODO: check if languageSelect/filter are working (js) 
27 - portletId 
28 - data = { 
29 "media": string (src from image), 
30 "category": string, 
31 "title": string, 
32 "author": string, 
33 "subheadline": string, 
34 "copy": string, 
35 "filter": { 
36 "id": string, 
37 "name": string, 
38 "entries": Array<Object> ({key:value}), 
39 }, 
40 "languageSelect": { 
41 "id": string, 
42 "name": string, 
43 "entries": Array<Object> ({key:value}), 
44 }, 
45 "meta": { 
46 "pos"; string (top/bottom) 
47 "date": string, 
48 "hash": string, 
49 "info": string, (url) 
50 }, 
51 "share" : { 
52 "login": string, 
53 "print": string, 
54 "mail": string, 
55 "multishare": string?? (tbd) 
57 - AMMetadata: macro 
58 - position: String ("top") -> defines wether the meta-data should be rendered above or below the intro-content 
63 JournalArticleLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.journal.service.JournalArticleLocalService") 
65 ServiceContext = staticUtil["com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.ServiceContextThreadLocal"].getServiceContext() 
66 DLAPP = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.document.library.kernel.service.DLAppLocalService") 
68 themeDisplay = ServiceContext.getThemeDisplay() 
69 editmode = FrontendService.user.isPrivilegedUser(themeDisplay) 
71 languageId = themeDisplay.getLocale() 
72 groupId = themeDisplay.getScopeGroupId() 
73 currentUrl = themeDisplay.getURLCurrent() 
75 layout = themeDisplay.getLayout() 
76 layouttpl = layout.getTypeSettingsProperties().getProperty("layout-template-id") 
79<#setting locale="${languageId}"> 
81<#-- get article from url --> 
83<#assign entry = FrontendService.article.getArticleToUrl(currentUrl, groupId?number)! > 
86<#if entry?has_content> 
88 <#if entry.resourcePrimKey??> 
89 <#assign primaryKey = entry.resourcePrimKey?number > 
90 <#elseif entry.classPK??> 
91 <#assign primaryKey = entry.classPK?number > 
92 </#if> 
94 <#assign 
95 jsonString = FrontendService.article.getWebcontent(primaryKey) 
96 json = FrontendService.json.parseAsJson(jsonString) 
98 title = entry.getTitle(languageId) 
99 data = { 
100 "title": title 
102 /> 
103 <@debugJsonString jsonString "ADT_KASDE_DYNAMIC_INTRO" /> 
105 <#if hasContent('untertitel', languageId, json)> 
106 <#assign data = data + { "subheadline": getValueForLanguage('untertitel', languageId, json, "first") } > 
107 </#if> 
109 <#if hasContent('beschreibung', languageId, json)> 
110 <#assign data = data + { "copy": getValueForLanguage('beschreibung', languageId, json, "first") } > 
111 </#if> 
113 <#-- fill meta data --> 
114 <#assign meta = {} /> 
117 <#if layouttpl?contains("LAYOUT_KASDE_PUBLIKATIONEN_DETAIL")> 
119 <#if hasContent('coverDMTKASDEMEDIUM', languageId, json)> 
120 <#assign 
121 coverBildString = getValueForLanguage('coverDMTKASDEMEDIUM', languageId, json, "first") 
122 /> 
124 <#if coverBildString?has_content> 
125 <#assign 
126 coverBild = FrontendService.json.parseAsJson(coverBildString) 
127 dMTJsonObject = coverBild.groupId?number, coverBild.uuid, locale ) 
128 linkToDMT ='hd-resolution',coverBild.groupId?number, coverBild.uuid ) 
129 data = data + { "media": linkToDMT, "meta" : dMTJsonObject } 
130 /> 
131 <#if dMTJsonObject.altText?? > 
132 <#assign data = data + {"alt" : dMTJsonObject.altText} /> 
133 </#if> 
134 <#if dMTJsonObject.quelle??> 
135 <#assign meta = meta + { "quelle": dMTJsonObject.quelle } /> 
136 </#if> 
137 </#if> 
138 <#-- uncomment to display pdf cover as Intro Image 
139 <#elseif hasContent('document_pdfDMTBASICDOCUMENT', languageId, json)> 
140 <#assign 
141 pdfDocument = getValueForLanguage('document_pdfDMTBASICDOCUMENT', languageId, json, "first") 
142 fileEntry =, groupId?number)!/> 
143 <#if fileEntry?has_content> 
144 <#assign 
145 linkToThumbnail = , themeDisplay) 
146 data = data + { "media": linkToThumbnail } 
147 /> 
148 </#if> 
149 --> 
150 </#if> 
152 <#assign 
153 meta = meta + { "orderInfo": "true" } 
154 verbundJournalArticle = FrontendService.publication.getVerbundToPublikation( entry )!"" 
155 /> 
159 <#if hasContent('erscheinungsdatum', languageId, json)> 
160 <#assign 
161 erscheinungsdatum = getValueForLanguage('erscheinungsdatum', languageId, json, "first") 
162 /> 
163 <#if erscheinungsdatum?has_content > 
164 <#assign 
165 erscheinungsdatumFormatted = erscheinungsdatum, languageId ) 
166 meta = meta + { "date": erscheinungsdatumFormatted } 
167 /> 
168 </#if> 
169 </#if> 
171 <#if verbundJournalArticle?has_content> 
172 <#assign 
173 verbundJsonString = FrontendService.article.getWebcontent(verbundJournalArticle.resourcePrimKey) 
174 verbundJson = FrontendService.json.parseAsJson(verbundJsonString) 
175 laufendenummer = getValueForLanguage('laufendenummer', languageId, verbundJson, "first") 
176 coverImg = getValueForLanguage('mediumDMTKASDEMEDIUM', languageId, verbundJson, "first") 
177 /> 
178 <@debugJsonString verbundJsonString "ADT_KASDE_DYNAMIC_INTRO-verbundJournalArticle" /> 
179 <#assign meta = meta + { "laufendenummer": laufendenummer } > 
181 <#if coverImg?has_content && coverImg.url?has_content > 
182 <#assign meta = meta + { "coverImg": coverImg.url } > 
183 </#if> 
184 </#if> 
187 <#if meta?has_content> 
188 <#assign data = data + {"meta": meta } > 
189 </#if> 
191 </#if> 
196 <#if layouttpl?contains("LAYOUT_KASDE_VERANSTALTUNGEN_DETAIL")> 
197 <#assign 
198 friendlyUrl = FrontendService.article.getFriendlyUrl(primaryKey, languageId, groupId)!"" 
199 languages = entry.getAvailableLanguageIds() 
200 links = [] 
201 /> 
202 <#if languages?has_content && friendlyUrl?has_content> 
203 <#if (languages?size > 1) > 
204 <#list languages as language> 
205 <#assign 
206 defaultLanguage = "de_DE" 
207 defaultLocale = FrontendService.language.getLocaleByKey(defaultLanguage) 
208 linkLocale = (FrontendService.language.getLocaleByKey(language))!defaultLocale 
209 langFriendlyUrl = FrontendService.article.getFriendlyUrl(primaryKey, linkLocale, groupId) 
211 link = { 
212 "key": language!defaultLanguage, 
213 "value": linkLocale.getDisplayLanguage(languageId), 
214 "url": "/c/portal/update_language?p_l_id=" + 
215 layout.plid + "&redirect=" + langFriendlyUrl + 
216 "&languageId=" + language 
218 /> 
219 <#if language == languageId> 
220 <#assign link = link + { "selected": "true" } > 
221 </#if> 
222 <#assign links = links + [link]> 
223 </#list> 
224 <#assign 
225 data = data + { 
226 "languageSelect": { 
227 "id": "languageSelectRedirect", 
228 "name": "languageselectRedirect", 
229 "entries": links, 
230 "label": languageUtil.get(languageId, "") 
233 /> 
234 </#if> 
235 </#if> 
236 </#if> 
238 <#if hasContent('erscheinungsdatum', languageId, json)> 
239 <#assign 
240 startdate = getValueForLanguage('erscheinungsdatum', languageId, json, "first") 
241 meta = meta + { "start": startdate?date.iso, "end": "" } 
242 /> 
243 </#if> 
245 <#if hasContent('startdatum', languageId, json)> 
246 <#assign 
247 startdate = getValueForLanguage('startdatum', languageId, json, "first") 
248 meta = meta + { "start": startdate?date.iso, "end": "" } 
249 /> 
250 </#if> 
252 <#if hasValue('einfuehrungText', locale, json)> 
253 <#assign data = data + { "einfuehrungText" : getValueForLanguage('einfuehrungText', locale, json, "first") } > 
254 <#elseif hasValue(FrontendService.article.getFieldNameByReferenceName(primaryKey, 'einfuehrungText'), locale, json, "first")> 
255 <#assign data = data + { "einfuehrungText" : getValueForLanguage(FrontendService.article.getFieldNameByReferenceName(primaryKey, 'einfuehrungText'), locale, json, "first") } > 
256 </#if> 
258 <#if hasContent('endedatum', languageId, json)> 
259 <#assign 
260 enddate = getValueForLanguage('endedatum', languageId, json, "first") 
261 meta = meta + { "end": enddate?date.iso } 
262 /> 
263 </#if> 
265 <#if hasContent('startzeit', languageId, json)> 
266 <#assign 
267 startzeit = getValueForLanguage('startzeit', languageId, json, "first") 
268 /> 
269 <#if startzeit?has_content > 
270 <#assign meta = meta + { "startzeit": startzeit } /> 
271 </#if> 
272 </#if> 
274 <#if hasContent('endezeit', languageId, json)> 
275 <#assign 
276 endezeit = getValueForLanguage('endezeit', languageId, json, "first") 
277 meta = meta + { "endezeit": endezeit } 
278 /> 
279 </#if> 
281 <#if hasContent('ortWCSKASDEORT', languageId, json)> 
282 <#assign 
283 ortWCSKASDEORT = FrontendService.json.parseAsJson(getValueForLanguage('ortWCSKASDEORT', languageId, json, "first")) 
284 ortWCSKASDEORTPrimaryKey = ortWCSKASDEORT.classPK?number 
285 ortWCSKASDEORTWebContent = FrontendService.article.getWebcontentByPk(ortWCSKASDEORTPrimaryKey)!"" 
286 /> 
287 <#if ortWCSKASDEORTWebContent?has_content > 
288 <#assign 
289 ortWCSKASDEORTTitle = ortWCSKASDEORTWebContent.getTitle(languageId)!"" 
290 /> 
291 <#if ortWCSKASDEORTTitle?has_content > 
292 <#assign 
293 meta = meta + { "ortWCSKASDEORT": ortWCSKASDEORTTitle } 
294 /> 
295 </#if> 
296 </#if> 
297 </#if> 
300 <#if hasContent('veranstaltungsnummer', languageId, json)> 
301 <#assign 
302 verauuid = getValueForLanguage('veranstaltungsnummer', languageId, json, "first") 
303 meta = meta + { "verauuid": verauuid } 
304 /> 
305 </#if> 
308 <#if (data.meta)?has_content > 
309 <#assign meta = data.meta /> 
310 </#if> 
312 <#if !( && hasContent('mediumDMTKASDEMEDIUM', languageId, json)> 
313 <#assign 
314 medium = getValueForLanguage('mediumDMTKASDEMEDIUM', languageId, json, "first") 
315 mediaData = getRelatedMediaObject(medium, themeDisplay, languageId, FrontendService, "hd-resolution") 
316 /> 
317 <#assign data = data + { "media": mediaData.url , "meta" : mediaData.meta} > 
320 <#if mediaData.meta?? && mediaData.meta.quelle??> 
321 <#assign meta = meta + data.meta + { "quelle": mediaData.meta.quelle } /> 
322 </#if> 
323 </#if> 
326 <#if meta?has_content> 
327 <#assign data = data + {"meta": meta } > 
328 </#if> 
330 <#-- END fill meta data --> 
332 <#if hasContentForSequence('autorenWCSKASDEPERSON', languageId, json)> 
333 <#assign 
334 journalArticles = getValueForLanguageAnsprechpartner('autorenWCSKASDEPERSON', languageId, json) 
335 authors = [] 
336 /> 
337 <#list journalArticles as articleString> 
338 <#assign article = FrontendService.json.parseAsJson(articleString) /> 
339 <#if article?has_content && article?is_hash && article.classPK??> 
340 <#assign articleDereferenced = FrontendService.person.resolveContactInstanceToPerson(article, languageId)!"" /> 
341 <#if articleDereferenced?has_content > 
342 <#assign 
343 author = "" 
344 articlePrimaryKey = articleDereferenced.classPK?number 
345 articleJsonString = FrontendService.article.getWebcontent(articlePrimaryKey) 
346 articleJson = FrontendService.json.parseAsJson(articleJsonString) 
347 /> 
348 <@debugJsonString articleJsonString "ADT_KASDE_DYNAMIC_INTRO-autorenWCSKASDEPERSON" /> 
349 <#if hasValue('anredetitel', languageId, articleJson)> 
350 <#assign author = author + getValueForLanguage('anredetitel', languageId, articleJson, " ") + " "> 
351 </#if> 
352 <#if hasValue('vorname', languageId, articleJson)> 
353 <#assign author = author + getValueForLanguage('vorname', languageId, articleJson, " ") + " "> 
354 </#if> 
355 <#if hasValue('nachname', languageId, articleJson)> 
356 <#assign author = author + getValueForLanguage('nachname', languageId, articleJson, " ") + " "> 
357 </#if> 
359 <#attempt> 
360 <#assign href = FrontendService.article.getFriendlyUrl(articlePrimaryKey, languageId, groupId)!"#" > 
361 <#recover> 
362 <#assign href = "#" > 
363 </#attempt> 
364 <#if href?has_content && href != "#" && href != "/_404"> 
365 <#assign author = '<a href="' + href + '">' + author?trim + '</a>'> 
366 </#if> 
368 <#assign authors = authors + [author?trim]> 
369 </#if> 
370 </#if> 
371 </#list> 
372 <#if authors?has_content> 
373 <#assign data = data + { "author": authors?join(", ") } > 
374 </#if> 
375 </#if> 
377 <#if layouttpl?contains("LAYOUT_KASDE_VERANSTALTUNGEN_DETAIL") > 
378 <#assign categories = FrontendService.category.getCategoriesToArticle(primaryKey, "VERANSTALTUNGSTYP")! > 
379 <#if categories?has_content && categories[0]?has_content > 
380 <#assign data = data + { "category": categories[0].getTitle(languageId,true)! } > 
381 </#if> 
383 <#if hasContent('ausgebucht', languageId, json)> 
384 <#assign data = data + { "ausgebucht" : getValueForLanguage('ausgebucht', languageId, json, "first") }> 
385 </#if> 
387 <#if hasContent('storniert', languageId, json)> 
388 <#assign data = data + { "storniert" : getValueForLanguage('storniert', languageId, json, "first") }> 
389 </#if> 
391 <#elseif layouttpl?contains("LAYOUT_KASDE_PUBLIKATIONEN_DETAIL") > 
392 <#assign categories = FrontendService.category.getCategoriesToArticle(primaryKey, "PUBLIKATIONSREIHE")! > 
393 <#if categories?has_content && categories[0]?has_content > 
394 <#assign data = data + { "category": categories[0].getTitle(languageId,true)! } > 
395 </#if> 
396 <#else> 
397 <#assign categories = FrontendService.category.getCategoriesToArticle(primaryKey, "THEMA")! > 
398 <#if categories?has_content && categories[0]?has_content > 
399 <#assign data = data + { "category": categories[0].getTitle(languageId,true)! } > 
400 </#if> 
401 </#if> 
404 <#assign 
405 languages = [] 
406 /> 
408 <#attempt> 
409 <#if json["document_pdfDMTBASICDOCUMENT"]?? > 
410 <#list json["document_pdfDMTBASICDOCUMENT"]?keys as pdf_language> 
411 <#if pdf_language?has_content > 
412 <#assign 
413 docRefJson = getValueForLanguage('document_pdfDMTBASICDOCUMENT', pdf_language, json, "first") 
414 docRef = FrontendService.json.parseAsJson(docRefJson) 
415 /> 
416 <#if docRef?is_hash && pdf_language != languageId > 
417 <#assign 
418 lang = FrontendService.language.getLocaleByKey(pdf_language)!"" 
419 docGroupId = docRef["groupId"]?number 
420 docUuid = docRef["uuid"] 
421 dMTJsonObject = docGroupId, docUuid, locale ) 
422 dMTLink = dMTJsonObject ) 
423 /> 
424 <#if lang?has_content> 
425 <#assign 
426 languages = languages + [ 
428 "key": pdf_language, 
429 "value": FrontendService.language.getLocaleByKey(pdf_language).getDisplayLanguage(), 
430 "url": dMTLink 
431 }] 
432 /> 
433 </#if> 
434 </#if> 
435 </#if> 
436 </#list> 
437 </#if> 
438 <#recover> 
439 </#attempt> 
441 <#if (languages?size > 0)> 
442 <#attempt> 
443 <#assign 
444 data = data + { "languageSelect": { 
445 "id": "languageSelect", 
446 "name": "languageselect", 
447 "entries": languages, 
448 "documents": "", 
449 "button": "true" 
450 }} 
451 /> 
452 <#recover> 
453 </#attempt> 
454 </#if> 
456 <@PMIntro "ADT_KASDE_DYNAMIC_INTRO" data AMMetadata AMDatetime "bottom" /> 
457 ${FrontendService.article.getEditArticleHtml(primaryKey, themeDisplay)} 
459 <#if data.meta.laufendenummer?has_content !isACColorScheme() && !isVLCColorScheme() && !isDPMColorScheme()> 
460 <div>  
461 <div id="publicationVerbundPagination"> 
462 <@AMPublicationCarousel data.meta.laufendenummer data.meta.coverImg /> 
463 </div> 
464 </div> 
465 </#if> 
467<#elseif (editmode?? && editmode)> 
468 <@errorMessage languageUtil.get(locale, "kein.journalArticle.gefunden") "ADT_KASDE_DYNAMIC_INTRO" layouttpl currentUrl /> 

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Welcome to the KAS Great Britain Office General Election 2015 webpage. Here, between now and Election Day on 7 May, we will be providing regular updates, including our own reports and publications on the campaign, opinion polls and predictions, information on the different parties and their manifestos (as they become available) interesting quotes and links to the election debates. We will also be providing additional information about the British electoral system.

Reports and Publications

Auf des Messers Schneide... Wahlprognosen zur britischen Unterhauswahl by Andreas Storm, 17.04.15 (Report only available in German)

Wahlkampfhalbzeit in UK by Hans-Hartwig Blomeier, 17.04.15 (Report only available in German)

Der Countdown hat begonnen by Hans-Hartwig Blomeier, Ferris Storke, 01.04.15 (Report only available in German)

Opinion Polls

The link (see directly below) will take you to, a website published by the NewStatesman magazine. Their Poll of Polls keeps track of every polls being published by the UK's major pollsters - from YouGov to Ladbrookes, the bookmakers - and averages them over time, weighing them by everything from time to track record

Latest opinion poll and predictions

YouGov EU Referendum Poll


Ipsos-MORI Scotland-Poll (29.04.15)

  • According to a recent Ipsos-MORI opinion poll, the SNP are on course to take all 59 Scottish seats. The poll has the SNP on 54%, Labour 20%, the Conservatives 17%, Liberal Democrats 5%, the Greens 2% und Ukip on 1%.
Ashcroft Poll (28.04.2015)

  • The latest Ashcroft poll has the Conservatives on 36%, Labour 30%, Liberal Democrats 9%, Ukip 11% and the Greens on 7%.
Guardian/ICM Poll (27.04.2015)

  • The most recent Guardian/ICM poll has the Conservatives on 35%, Labour 32%, Liberal Democrats 9%, Ukip 13% and the Greens on 5%.
YouGov/The Sun (21.04.2015)

  • The latest YouGov/The Sun opinion poll puts the Conservatives 35%, Labour on 34%, Liberal Democrats 7%, Ukip 13% and the Greens on 5%.
Guardian/ICM Poll (20.04.2015)

  • The most recent Guardian/ICM poll has the Conservatives on 34%, Labour 32%, Liberal Democrats 10%, Ukip 11% and the Greens on 5%.
YouGov Opinion Poll (19.04.2015)

  • New YouGov voting intention poll has Labour on 35%, Conservatives on 34%, Liberal Democrats on 8%, Ukip on 13% and the Greens on 5%.
YouGov/The Sun (13.04.2015)

  • The latest YouGov/The Sun opinion poll puts Labour on 34%, the Conservatives 33%, Liberal Democrats 8%, Ukip 13% and the Greens on 7%.
Guardian/ICM Poll (13.04.2015)

  • The most recent Guardian/ICM poll has the Conservatives on 39%, Labour 33%, Liberal Democrats 8%, Ukip 7% and the Greens on 7%.
TNS Scotland Poll (13.04.15)

  • New poll in Scotland put the SNP on 52%, Labour 24%, Conservative 13%, Liberal Democrats 6% and the Greens on 3%.
ComRes Opinion Poll (10.04.15)

  • The latest ComRes Poll puts the Tories on 34%, Labour 33%, Ukip 12%, Liberal Democrats 12% and the Greens on 4%.
YouGov Scotland Poll (08.04.15)

  • The latest Scotland polls sees SNP on 46%, Labour on 29%, Tories on 16%, Liberal Democrats on 3%, with 6% going to other parties.
Populus Opinion Poll (06.04.15)

  • The latest poll by Populus has Labour on 33%, Tories 31%, Ukip 15%, Liberal Democrats 10% and the Greens on 4%.
YouGov Election Poll (01.04.15)

  • The latest YouGov poll puts the Conservatives on 36%, Labour 34%, Ukip 13%, Liberal Democrats 8% the Greens on 4%.
Daily Telegraph Poll (31.03.2015)

  • The opinion poll put the Tories on 36%, Labour 34%, Ukip 10%, Liberal Democrats 6% the Green Party on 7%.
YouGov Poll (29.03.15)

  • The poll (following the first election debate) put Labour on 36% and the Tories on 32%.

Parties and Politicians

For a close look at the party leaders' constituencies, as well as those of potential leadership challengers, click on the links below.

Party Leaders' Constituencies

Leadership challengers' Constituencies


BBC online have compiled the key policy positions of the main political parties (see link below).

Party positions on key issues


Election Debates

Finally a more funny approach to the election: General Affection Song

Question Time Party Leaders' Special (full) (1 May 2015)

Challengers' Debate (full) (16 April 2015)

2. Scottish Leaders Debate (8 April 2015)

2. Election Debate (full) Seven party leaders (2 April 2015)

1. Election Debate (highlights) Ed Miliband vs David Cameron with Jeremy Paxman (26 March 2015)

1. Election Debate (fu

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ll) Ed Miliband vs David Cameron with Jeremy Paxman (26. March 2015)

Electoral System

How the British Electoral System works

How a UK General Election works

What if no-one wins the election?

Quotes of the Week

“Let me be plain. We're not going to do a deal with the Scottish National Party; we're not going to have a coalition, we're not going to have a deal. Let me just say this to you - if this meant we weren't going to be in government, not doing a coalition, not having a deal, then so be it. I am not going to sacrifice the future of our country, the unity of our country, I'm not going to give in to SNP demands around Trident, around the deficit, or anything like that”, Ed Miliband, 01.05.15

“If I'm getting lively about it it's because I feel bloody lively about it!”, David Cameron, 28.04.15

“Let me not mince my words: the SNP is a clear and present danger to our future. They will pit Scotland against England. That could be disastrous to the people of Scotland – and fatal to the UK as a whole.”, Sir John Major, 21.04.15

"You have the Chance to kick David Cameron out of Downing Street. Don't turn your back on it. People will never forgive you for it" - Nicola Sturgeon, 16.04.15

"We (Labour and the SNP) have profound differences. That is why I am not going to have a coalition with the SNP. I am not going to put at risk the unity of the United Kingdom. It's a No, I'm afraid" - Ed Miliband, 16.04.15

"The Liberal Democrats will add a heart to a Conservative government, and a brain to a Labour one!" - Nick Clegg, 15.04.15

“So you understand this and get it fully – I support him (Ed Miliband) 100% to lead our party to victory at the next election.” - Tony Blair, 07.04.15

"If you vote Tory you get broadband, if you vote Ukip you get Miliband." - Boris Johnson (Mayor of London and Parliamentary candidate), 02.04.15

"I do think when you look at what Ed Miliband really thinks, it is a very kind of Hampstead socialist, ‘we know best’ kind of view." - David Cameron, 31.03.15

"We are the only party saying Britain should have a trade relationship with Europe but not membership of the EU." - Nigel Farage, 31.03.15

Labour "would have to ditch Trident for our support" - Nicola Sturgeon, 31.03.15

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Asset Publisher


Hans-Hartwig Blomeier

Hans Blomeier

Head of the KAS office Mexico +52 55 55664599
Foto: Wikipedia/Vaughan Leiberum Wikipedia/Vaughan Leiberum

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