Asset Publisher


Achieving Sustainable Growth: Fiscal Consolidation and Financial Market Regulation

With Dr Wolfgang Schäuble, Federal Minister of Finance, Germany

Dr Schäuble will argue that governments in and beyond the Eurozone need not just commit to fiscal consolidation and improved competitiveness, they need to start delivering on these objectives with immediate effect.

Asset Publisher


In the area of financial market reform, neither politics nor the financial industry can afford ‘regulatory fatigue’. He will conclude that if the international community is committed to fostering confidence in and integrity of financial markets, it will be essential to both bring public deficits down and ratchet financial market regulation up.

This event is held in association with Chatham House and is by invitation only.

Asset Publisher

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Nachhaltiges Wachstum erreichen: Haushaltskonsolidierung und Finanzmarktregulierung
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Claudia Crawford

Asset Publisher