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Single title

Indonesia Today: Problems and Perspectives

Politics and Society Five Years into Reformasi

In this book the Indonesian cooperation partners of KAS undertake an attempt to appraise the reform process in this country in the areas of politics, law, economics, religion, and society in general. The huge range of issues dealt with in this publication includes topics such as the role of international actors in Indonesia's democratization, the future of the legal reform process, successes and problems of regional autonomy, the potential of small and medium enterprises for Indonesian economic recovery, NGOs as a power factor, the future of inter-religious relations from a non-Muslim viewpointand others. The authors provide readers with insights into highly complex subjects each of which will become decisive for the future of this country.

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Excerpts from the Contents:

  • Bob S. Hadiwinata: Stirring from Beyond the Borders: International Actors and Democratization in Indonesia

  • Ruddy Gobel: Public Communications and Democratization in Indonesia

  • I. Gusti Ayu Darsini: The Role of the Secretariat General of the Indonesian House of Representatives in the Era of Reformation in Indonesia

  • Maruarar Siahaan: Rule of Law or Role of Law? What is happening to the Legal Reform Process in Indonesia?

  • Rudy Alfonso/Rudolf Hauter: Four Years of Regional Autonomy: Sucesses and Problems

  • Meth Kusumahadi/Michael Holländer: Non-governmental Organizations After Reformasi - a Power Factor in Indonesia?

  • Susy MD. Katipana: The Complexity of Poverty Problems in Eastern Regions of Indonesia: a Conceptual Review

  • Y. Subagyo/Sutomo/Louise Hutauruk: How Can We Know What Motivates People: The Dilemma of Societal Dynamics and Science and Technology

  • Latanro: The Unrecognized Potential for Indonesian Economic Recovery

  • Azyumardi Azra: Southeast Asian Islam in the Post-Bali Bombing: Debunking the Myth

  • Theophilus Bela: The Future of Inter-Religious Relations in Indonesia: Assessments from a Non-Muslim Viewpoint

  • Jamilin Sirait: Religious Tolerance and Freedom in Indonesia

  • Jorge Trindade Neves de Camoes: Problems and Prospects of Timor-Leste after Independence

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