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6th KAS-CSIS Germany Indonesia Strategic Dialogue

Aligning Aspirations and Expectations: the Future of G7-G20 Relations


The 5th KAS-CSIS Germany-Indonesia Strategic Dialogue

Road to Indonesia's G20 Presidentcy"


Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation Open Day 2021

„Politics and trust“

The work of the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation: focusing on participation, representation, security, and innovation.


Campus Roadshow

Clean Energy for the future of Indonesia


Hybrid seminar on the topic: Economic Recovery

in cooperation with the Ministry of Home Affairs

In cooperation with the Ministry of Home Affairs, JCLAIR and the EU project of the Penabulu Foundation, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation is organizing a hybrid event on the topic of Regional Economic Recovery in Palembang, South Sumatra. Among other, best practices will be shown using concrete examples from Germany and Japan that were initiated by the local people in order to get the economy rolling again after a crisis in their region.


Teacher Online-Training for Democracy

Online-Training on democracy and the rule of law in cooperation with the Paramadina Institute for Education Reform (PIER)


Responding to Energy and Climate Related Challenges

Together with Yayasan Perspektif Baru, KAS is organizing an online discussion on energy and climate policy for students from the state university UNS


Judicial ethics with Jimly School of Law and Government

Virtual discussion on the need of contempt of court regulation to strengthen the code of ethics and conduct for judges


Legal Drafting

In cooperation with the Minstry of Home Affairs on the drafting of cooperation agreements


Teacher Online-Training for Democracy

Online-Training on democracy and the rule of law in cooperation with the Paramadina Institute for Education Reform (PIER)

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Indonesian Youth Democratic Forum (IYDF) 2024

Owning the Journey of Our Democracy

Over 50% of Indonesia's population is between the ages of 18 and 39. Despite their demographic importance and their potential to contribute significantly to the country's development, their political opinions and concerns are often overlooked. There is a growing need to empower these young voices and provide them with a platform to express their ideas and visions for the future of Indonesia.

The 5th KAS-CSIS Germany-Indonesia Strategic Dialogue

Road to Indonesia’s G20 Presidency

Indonesia will hold the G20 presidency in 2022 for the first time since joining the forum in 2008. Riding this momentum, this year the 5th annual KAS-CSIS Germany-Indonesia Strategic Dialogue took on the theme “Road to Indonesia’s G20 Presidency”.

Hybrid event: Post Graduate Course on Social Market Economy

The annual postgraduate course on social market economy took place this year in a hybrid format. The event held in Bogor was attended by economic experts from universities, government officials and journalists.

Hybridevent on the topic press and public relations in the era of digital Media

for employees of the PR-Departments of the government

Indonesia ranks fourth in the world with the most Facebook users and their number of Twitter users ranked three. The access to information of the population is increasingly dominated by digital media. The use of conventional media is becoming less and less important in the country. The Indonesian government would like to use the opportunities that the rapid development brings for their communication with their citizens. In addition to the many opportunities, this development also creates new challenges and risks. In order to address this important and current topic, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and the Indonesian Ministry of Home Affairs organized a hybrid workshop in Solo from June 23rd to 25th at which more than 150 participants from PR departments of various ministries and government participated virtual and 25 participants participated on site.

International Hybrid-Seminar on the topic of Regional Economic Recovery

Together with the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Penabulu Foundation, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung organized a hybrid seminar on the topic: "Regional Economic Recovery" in Palembang, South Sumatra. The event, in which forty participants from the provincial government of South Sumatra attended and almost five hundred participants were connected online, used best practices from Germany and Japan to show possible options for economic recovery after an economic crisis.


5th German-Asian Business Dialogue

The Future Of The International Order Is Decided In Asia

German-Asian cooperation possesses abundant potential for maintaining the rules-based international order and keeping global trade routes open – requirements for both regions’ prosperity. Which challenges are governments and businesses in the Indo-Pacific and Germany facing under Covid-19? What lessons have been learned?

4. Deutsch-Indonesischer Strategiedialog

Charting Bilateral and International Cooperation for Resilience in Health Crisis

The Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Indonesia has been conducting for four years in Jakarta a German-Indonesian strategy dialogue together with the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS).

Strengthening the Competences and Abilities of Women MPs at the Indonesian Parliament

Since 2008, KAS in cooperation with his Indonesian partners, has been providing training for female parliament members at national and regional level. This is intended to strengthen the role of women in Indonesian politics.

Social and Ecological Market Economy in the Indonesian Context

In collaboration with the Paramadina University, KAS organized a seminar on the principles of social and ecological market economy for employees and decision-makers of the provincial government of Jakarta. The Governor of Jakarta, Anies Baswedan, referred in his opening remarks to the similarities with the five basic principles of the Indonesian national ideology Pancasila and described the German economic model as an inspiration for economic policy reforms in the Special Capital Region of Jakarta.

3rd Germany – Indonesia Strategic Dialogue

„Promoting Common Interests through the Non-Permanent Membership in the United Nations Security Council“

With the aim of bringing together experts and decision-makers from Germany and Indonesia for a dialogue on common security interests and strategic challenges for the future, every year KAS Indonesia organizes the Germany-Indonesia Strategic Dialogue in Jakarta in cooperation with the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS).