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Asset Publisher

Populism & Democracy - A Case study of Kenya

This study examines the history of populism around the world and its encroachment into the democratic states. The study focuses on the comparative analysis of populism both globally and regionally, with a focus on Kenya. It includes an analysis of the effects of populism in democratic countries, speaking specifically on the effect it has on the decision-making capability of voters while choosing appropriate candidates. The study was carried out between September and November 2023.

A Public Sector Risk Corruption Checklist

Anti-Corruption Checklist

KAS Kenia in partnership with UNODC and EACC developed a Public Sector Corruption Risk Assessment Checklist to provide knowledge and information on how to recognize and detect corruption, especially in the allocation / use of public funds. The main objective for this publication is to enhance the target actor’s knowledge and information on how to detect and determine corruption especially in the allocation and use of public funds both at the national and county levels and how to mitigate the risks. The final output would strengthen knowledge and enforce actions to enhance transparency and accountability in budget and procurement implementation phases both at the national and county levels.

IMAGO / Xinhua

East Africa: When it rains, it pours

What influence do current floods have on the socio-political development of the region?

In East Africa, record droughts are being followed by floods that have displaced 1.5 million people so far. This is exacerbating the multiple crises in the region. Food security is deteriorating further and exacerbating the already high rate of urban growth. At the same time, the region's govern-ments are grappling with massive over-indebtedness, further complicating the necessary invest-ments in climate-resilient measures.

Investor Book: Kenyan Startup and Investor Forum

Transformation & Technologies in support of the Sustainable Development Goals

KAS Kenya in partnership with Global Entrepreneurship Centre published an Investor Book that speaks to Kenyan Startup and Investor Forum in pursuit of Transformation & Technologies in support of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Fact sheet of Women’s performance during 2022 Elections

Women and Governance

KAS Kenya is cognizant of the fact that women play a crucial role in the legislation and representation process in the Country particularly in the realm of political representation. As KAS we aim to rally support and drive efforts towards achieving meaningful women’s political representation recognizing the valuable contributions that women have led in the governance spaces. This fact sheet provides a snapshot of the current state of women's representation in Kenya, highlighting key statistics, trends and KAS position on women representation. #Mamakiongozi #GenerationEquality

China’s Infrastructural Engagement in Kenya

A summary of China ‘s megaprojects in Kenya

Kenya is the largest economy in East Africa, a big regional transport and technology hub, as well as owning the largest port in East Africa, the port of Mombasa. Many international players therefore have an interest in partnering with Kenya. Ever since its independence from Britain in 1963, alongside partners in the West like the EU and USA, Kenya has also worked together with partners like India, Russia, UAE and China. While partners like the EU mainly focus on projects of humanitarian aid and the implementation of democracy, the Chinese-Kenyan relationship is primarily focused on economic and infrastructural cooperation. Therefore, China has financed several “megaprojects “, on which the following article will focus.

Party foundations abroad - a look at Kenya, Brazil and Turkey

Find out our Country Director Dr. Annette Schwandner's contribution towards the topic 'Party foundations abroad - a look at Kenya, Brazil and Turkey' and KAS' contribution in Kenya.

Konrad Adenauer Stiftung keen on enhancing democracy in Kenya

National Assembly Speaker Moses Wetang’ula Tuesday 15th November 2022 morning hosted German Foundation; Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) Country Director, Dr. Annette Schwandner during a courtesy call in his office.

Kenia hat einen neuen Präsidenten: Supreme Court bestätigt die Wahl William Rutos

Das Urteil des Supreme Court am 5. September 2022

Der kenianische Supreme Court hat am 5. September 2022 einstimmig alle Petitionen gegen das Ergebnis der Präsidentschaftswahlen vom 9. August 2022 abgelehnt. Damit ist der bisherige Vizepräsident William Ruto mit der notwendigen Stimmenzahl (50 Prozent plus 1 Stimme) zum fünften Präsidenten Kenias gewählt. Er wird am Dienstag, den 13. September, in seinem Amt vereidigt werden.

World Trade Organization / flickr / CC BY-SA 2.0

Kenia hat gewählt

William Ruto mit knappem Votum zum Sieger erklärt

Mit einer denkbar knappen Mehrheit von 50,49 Prozent der Stimmen wurde am 15. August 2022 William Ruto zum Gewinner der Präsidentschaftswahlen in Kenia erklärt. Obwohl die Wahlen so friedlich und gut organisiert verliefen wie noch nie zuvor in der Geschichte des Landes, kam es rund um die Ergebnisverkündung zu erheblichen Spannungen. Das unterlegene Lager um den Kandidaten Raila Odinga will das Ergebnis vor Gericht anfechten. Auch die zuständige Wahlkommission ist gespalten. Die zeitweise befürchteten Ausschreitungen blieben aber bisher weitgehend aus.