Asset Publisher


Asset Publisher

Chaguo (Choice)


With a focus on political education in Germany and with projects in over 120 countries, KAS Kenya in partnership with Good karma fiction produced a film titled Chaguo – Love*Deceit*Politics. The overall objective of the film is to edutain the Kenyan youth and society in general on the importance of participating in politics and more so elections. It is our hope that the film will provoke some positive thoughts and attitude change towards participating in political processes. Elections are regarded as the ultimate democratic exercise, the youth being the majority making about 75% of the population in Kenya, their vote would ultimately contribute to the desired political change. We hope you enjoy the film and may it inspire you to participate in the democratic transformation of your nation.

A Guide to Electing Leaders with Values

Elective Leadership

IRCK in partnership with Konrad Adenauer Stiftung reviewed a booklet titled Towards Our Desired Kenya - A guide to electing leaders with values to integrate up to date civic and voter education elements and relevant scriptural references. It is envisaged that the guide will be used by Religious Leaders at the congregational level, other stakeholders and our partners in the run up to the 2022 General Election and subsequent electoral processes. The booklet is a tool which will provide citizens with a set of values to determine the suitability of leaders vying for various elective offices and make an informed choice during election.

Hustler vs. Dynasty: Quo vadis, Kenia?

Kenia gilt als Stabilitätsanker und wirtschaftliches Schwergewicht des östlichen Afrikas, doch pünktlich zu Generalwahlen kommt alle fünf Jahre Unruhe auf. Kenias jüngste Geschichte ist von gewalttätigen, umstrittenen Wahlen geprägt. Die nächsten Wahlen sind am 9. August 2022. Ihr Ausgang und Verlauf werden wegweisend sein für Kenia und die Region, sie wird aber auch Auswirkungen auf deutsche Interessen haben. Viele deutsche Unternehmen bedienen Ostafrika von Kenia aus. Das Gesamtportfolio der deutschen und kenianischen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit beläuft sich aktuell auf etwa 1 Mrd. EUR. Besonders eng ist die Zusammenarbeit im Klimabereich und bei erneuerbaren Energien.

Communication Strategy Template

This template can be used to develop a Programme/Project or an institution’s communications strategy. Whether you communicate to external or internal audiences or both, this will help ensure that all key elements of a communications strategy are captured.

Devolution at 10 in Kenya: An Analysis of Trends and Dynamics in Implementation


This study was a review of the state of devolved governance in Kenya over the last 10 years, to establish the trends, dynamics and possible insights into the future.

Summary of the Political Parties Ammendment Act 2022 and Election Timeline


The following document provides a summary of main changes brought forth in the Political Parties Ammendment Act 2022 and also provides election preparedness information and timelines.

The Role of Free and Independent churches in the context of politics and society in Kenya

Religion and Politics

It is generally accepted that religious leaders should play a non-partisan role in influencing political processes. Moral and ethical debates suggest that while religious leaders should readily provide guidance and advice to political leaders, the former should not have personal interests in political matters.It is with this backdrop that KAS Kenya decided to do a study on ‘The Role of Free and Independent churches in the context of politics and society in Kenya’. The main objective for this publication is to strengthen knowledge among the Kenyan society, Religious actors, Legislators and Civil Society among other stakeholders on the level of engagement of free churches in Kenya especially on processes, challenges, emerging issues and priority areas in Kenya’s political landscape.

Courtesy Visits to ANC and ANU Parties


This week on 1st and 2nd November, led by Dr. Stefan Friedrich, KAS Head of Africa and Dr. Annette Schwandner, KAS Kenya Country Director, we paid a visit to our partner political parties -Amani National Congress and KANU. We discussed the ongoing progress and challenges by parties to strengthen political topics and democracy in general in Kenya.

Rethinking Democracy: Strengthening Topical Issues


This publication emanates from a Call for Papers that KAS published on the 22nd of April 2021 with the main objective being to offer political science scholars, practitioners/activists from the Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), legal practitioners and any other politically active individual with the platform to make contributions on current topics of political representation and elections in Kenya. This publication is therefore made out of four interdisciplinary areas, namely; 1. Political representation and its relationship with service delivery. 2. Political culture, reforms and elections in Kenya. 3. Election management and voter education. 4. Finally, is the influence of Civil Society Organizations on reforms and political processes significant enough? With this approach and publication in general, the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung believes that the knowledge and experiences will contribute to the larger discourse of making democracy work even better for the case of Kenya.

GovernmentZA / GCIS / flickr / CC BY-ND 2.0 /

China in Africa: Wielding Influence in the Age of Coronavirus

How the Chinese Communist Party Shapes Narratives and Builds Influence in Africa

The new study “Wielding Influence in the Age of Coronavirus” analyses China’s response to the Coronavirus in Africa.