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Congreso de la Nación

Parliamentarism in Latin America

International Day of Parliamentarism

In the global political landscape, World Parliamentarism Day is a moment of reflection on the importance of democratic systems and how to ensure through them the representation of citizens. Latin America is no stranger to this debate and despite overall progress currently faces two main challenges: a) the disempowerment of parliaments by the executive through constitutional mechanisms (illustrated by the recent developments in Ecuador); and b) the still weak representation of women in parliament and political leadership positions.


Die COSP16 – Rechte von Menschen mit Behinderung weltweit

Andrea E. Ostheimer, Vertreterin der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung bei den Vereinten Nationen, New York

Vom 13.-15. Juni 2023 fand in New York die 16. Conference of State Parties on the Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities statt. Dieses jährliche Forum bietet Unterzeichnerstaaten seit der Verabschiedung der UN Behindertenrechtskonvention im Jahre 2006 die Möglichkeit, einen Fortschrittsbericht zu den Rechten von Menschen mit Behinderungen vorzulegen.

Towards Sustainable Peace: An Interview with Lieutenant Colonel Mathias Voss

International Day of UN Peacekeepers

On the occasion of the 75th anniversary of UN peacekeeping and the International Day of UN Peacekeepers on May 29, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) interviewed Lieutenant Colonel (Lt. Col.) Mathias Voss, Counsellor and Deputy Military Advisor at the Permanent Mission of the Federal Republic of Germany to the United Nations, to discuss the changing nature of peacekeeping operations in the 21st century, examine how the UN and Germany are addressing new operational challenges and preparing personnel for peacekeeping missions abroad, and highlight Germany’s engagement in UN peacekeeping as a troop and budget contributor.

UN Photo - Loey Felipe

On Multilateralism and Diplomacy

International Day of Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace

What is this multilateral system? For many students and teachers of international relations, and according to the Oxford Dictionary, multilateralism is “the principle of participation by three or more parties, especially by the governments of different countries”.

UN Photo / Manuel Elias

Preserving the values of multilateralism to promote peace and security, and human rights

International Day of Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace

Following the devastation of World War II, a new phase of global integration began, in which international institutions for technical, financial, and commercial cooperation developed, while trade in manufactured goods expanded. The United Nations came into being with the maintenance of international peace and security as its central mission. 


Gendered Justice: Breaking Barriers and Building Narratives - A perspective from Pakistan

International Day of Women Judges 2023

Women of Pakistan face cultural and social barriers where they are cast in a given gendered role, which is conditioned and limited. Although more women are educated now and the number of working women has increased, women do not have a fair share of representation in leadership and decision-making positions.

Reuters / Mike Segar

One year after Russia's invasion: What is the state of international solidarity with Ukraine?


Antje Boetius

Diversity in science. Filling the dream gap

International Day of Women and Girls in Science

It appears especially astonishing for a wealthy country like Germany, where I am from. Despite high socio-economical investment in the academic education of women, who now make up the majority of university graduates, we seem stuck at 27% female professors, and less than 15% in top leadership positions as presidents of universities, or directors of non-university institutions. Even in the new digital disciplines and enterprises, the figures are dire – only 18% female participation in IT professions, and even less as owners of start-ups.

UN Photo / Loey Felipe

The key to eliminating gender bias is to change perceptions of women

International Day of Women and Girls in Science

Women are less likely than men to occupy positions of power but also technical roles. When women are less visible, this situation can foster gender bias and gender stereotyping. It also deprives high-level decision-making and research and innovation of the female perspective.

UN Photo/Loey Felipe

Inequality and the paradox of educational investment

International Day of Education

As of today, we are told by the experts that the combination of longstanding poverty, increasing inequality, wrong policies, and the impact of the pandemic, are leaving a vast majority of children in less developed countries with so little education that only three out of ten would be able to read and understand a simple text by age ten.

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