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Principles of Project Management

Advanced Training for Nigerian Civil Servants of the National Planning Commission (NPC)

Modern Project Management is a crucial element of development cooperation. KAS provides advanced training for the officers of its Nigerian Partner National Planning Commission, to built capacity in evaluating Nigerian and foreign projects.

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For obvious reasons, governments want to know what foreign organizations are doing in their country and which positive or maybe negative effects their activities have. In Nigeria, the responsibility for the cooperation with international donor organizations lies with the National Planning Commission (NPC).

In a seminar together with KAS, the officials will be familiarized with the latest international methods and standards of project management.

Thus, they will improve their ability to identify and evaluate promising foreign and Nigerian projects.

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KAS office, Abuja


  • Dirk van Esbroeck
    • Director
      • South Research

        Dr. habil. Klaus Paehler

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