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Party Conference of Høyre in Oslo - an unconventional convention

Prime Minister Erna Solberg confirmed as chairwoman

Erna Solberg has been the chairwoman of the Conservative Party Høyre in Norway since 2003. Last weekend she was reelected enthusiastically for another two years.

Lesson Learned? Icelands Prime Minister under fierce pressure after leaked "Panama Papers"

"Panama Papers" reveal a tender spot of Iceland

Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson is one of the world wide high-level politicians who is charged by the "Panama Papers". Two days after Gunnlaugsson letterbox company became public, his party announced his withdrawal as chairman. Gunnlaugsson however informed the international press, that he will be only pausing but not resigning. Now he is blamed for breaking trust.

Increasing number ob refugees: Norway seeks for closer cooperation in Northern Europe

Dissent about course of migration policy

In the beginning of this year the Norwegian government aims to present a new asylum package. The influence of the upcoming elections for Parliament in 2017 is already noticeably.

Migration Policy in Sweden

Flawed role model?

For a long time Sweden aimed to be an international pioneer in migration policy and now it is making every effort to be the worse than others, sounded the alarm on November 24 in the Sweden´s major newspaper Svenska Dagbladet. The newspaper was referring to the extensive measures which the government released beforehand in order to become less attractive for refugees.

The Norwegian response to the refugee crisis

Norway received highest number of asylum seekers

In 2015 Europe has experienced one of the greatest influxes of refugees and migrants since WW2 as vast numbers of people have fled the ongoing violence in Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq and other countries. The European asylum systems have consequently been put under severe pressure. Norway is one of the countries that have received the highest number of asylum seekers compared to local population in 2015. In relative terms, only six European countries received more asylum applications (January-October 2015).

Denmark after the elections:

Comment by Siegfried Matlok, former chief editor of the German newspaper "Der Nordschleswiger" in Denmark

After the Folketings-elections Denmark expects an exciting but difficult situation for the Parliament.

New government in Finland

Center Party, Conservatives and Right Populists form new government

The three strongest parties in the parliamentary elections on April 19th agreed on forming a coalition. The National Center Party (Keskusta), winner of the election, is going to rule together with the Party of the Fins (Perussuomalaiset) and the National Coalition Party (Kokoomus) for the next four years. That is what the parties agreed upon last week.

National Center Party of Finland wins Parliamentary Elections of 2015

Alexander Stubb became Finland's prime minister less than a year ago, but failed to persuade the electorate to give him a full mandate. His party, the National Coaltion Party (Kokoomus), has lost 7 seats und is only the third strongest party. Winner of the election in Finland is the National Center Party (Keskusta) with its leading candidate Juha Sipilä.

Historische „Dezemberübereinkunft“ beendet schwedische Regierungskrise

Löfvens Regierungsbudget scheitert im Dezember - Neuwahlen nach Einigung mit "Allianz" abgesagt

Am 3. Dezember wurde im schwedischen Parlament über den Haushalt der neuen Regierung abgestimmt. Die rechtspopulistischen Schwedendemokraten brachten den Vorschlag der rot-grünen Regierung unter Stefan Löfven durch ihr ungewöhnliches Abstimmungsverhalten zu Fall. Die daraufhin von Löfven für März 2015 angekündigten Neuwahlen konnten durch eine Einigung Ende Dezember dennoch verhindert werden.

Regierungsbildung in Schweden – Sozialdemokraten und Grüne bilden Minderheitsregierung

Stefan Löfven zum neuen Ministerpräsidenten gewählt - Haushalt wird zur Zitterpartie

Am 30. September nahm der neue schwedische Reichstag seine Arbeit auf. Der Sozialdemokrat Stefan Löfven wurde am 3. Oktober zum Ministerpräsidenten gewählt und führt nun gemeinsam mit den Grünen eine Minderheitsregierung, die wiederholt auf die Unterstützung der bürgerlichen Allianz angewiesen sein wird.