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Europe Day 2024

Celebration of Europe Day - 9 May

The Europe Day – 9 May will be celebrated by the European Movement in the Republic of North Macedonia in partnership with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation on 04 June (Tuesday) starting at 11.00 h.


Дали Северна Македонија е ранлива на економски притисок од НР Кина?

Панел дискусија и промоција на публикација

Фондацијата Конрад Аденауер, Правниот Факултет “Јустинијан Први”-Скопје и Здружението за развој на стратегии, истражување, едукација и промоција на меѓународни вредности ЕСТИМА организираат панел дискусија и промоција на публикација со наслов “Со надеж за најдобро, подготвени за најлошо: Дали Република Северна Македонија е ранлива на економски притисок од Народна Република Кина? ”.


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Regional Student Workshop

Cross-border cooperation and exchange of knowledge about Renewable Energy Sources: Water management and solar photovoltaic technologies

From April 5th to 7th, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, in cooperation with the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje and the School of Civil Engineering of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, is organizing a regional seminar for students from both universities. The topic of the seminar is "Cross-border cooperation and exchange of knowledge in Renewable Energy Sources: Water management and solar photovoltaic technologies."


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Strategic planning for political change 2024


Continuing the fruitful cooperation, KAS and Party Research and Analytical Centre "Ljubisa Georgievski" are organizing a three-day event intended for the leadership of VMRO-DPMNE and the members of the Executive Committee, with the aim of discussions and strategic planning for the activities of VMRO-DPMNE in the upcoming period. The event will be held from 23 to 25 February in Veles.


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Strengthening the capacities of the MPs

Successful strategies and challenges

High-level training-seminar, intended for the MPs in the Macedonian Assembly from VMRO-DPMNE and the Coalition.


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Political Academy 2024

The importance of effective communication in building success

The Konrad Adenauer Foundation and the Party Research and Analytical Centre "Ljubisha Georgievski" are organizing the Political Academy 2024 entitled "The importance of effective communication in building success" from 9 to 11 February in Krushevo.


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Harnessing the Power of Chat GPT 3.5 and 4.0 in Daily Life and Work

Training program for the KAS scholars

Zur Stärkung der Fähigkeiten junger Studenten und Berufstätiger, organisiert die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung für die Mitglieder unseres Stipendiatennetzwerks eine eintägige Schulung. Sie findet in den Räumlichkeiten des KAS-Büros in Skopje statt und widmet sich dem Thema „Nutzung der Leistung von Chat GPT 3.5 und 4.0 in Alltag und Beruf“. Ziel ist es, den Teilnehmern praktische Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse für die effektive Anwendung von Chat GPT 3.5 und 4.0 in ihrem privaten und beruflichen Alltag zu vermitteln sowie das Verständnis hinsichtlich seiner Leistungen, Einschränkungen und Best Practices zu entwickeln.


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Building success on local level: Strengthening the capacities of the local self-government

Training for mayors

The Konrad Adenauer Foundation and the Party Research and Analytical Center “Ljubisa Georgievski” on 28 October in Skopje, are organizing a one-day training seminar for the mayors of VMRO-DPMNE on the topic: "Building success on local level: Strengthening the capacities of the local self-government".


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Political Academy 2023: “Leaders for the future"

Final module of the Political Academy

The Konrad Adenauer Foundation and the Party Research and Analytical Center “Ljubisa Georgievski” are organizing the final module of the Political Academy 2023 on the topic “Economic leadership in Europe during the Russian war aggression in Ukraine” on 28 and 29 October in Skopje.


Cathedra Adenauer 2023

EU and NATO in the Western Balkans in context of the new political and security developments

On 19 October, at 11.00 h at the Faculty of Law in Stip, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in cooperation with the Wilfried Martens Center for European Studies in Brussels, the Academy for European Integration - Skopje and the Faculty of Law at the University "Goce Delchev" in Stip are organizing the event “Cathedra Adenauer 2023” on the topic “EU and NATO in the Western Balkans in context of the new political and security developments”.

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KAS/Marco Urban

Die Zukunft der Erweiterungspolitik und die transatlantische Partnerschaft

Westbalkan Botschafterkonferenz in Berlin

Unter strengen Hygienevorschriften fand am 7. September in Berlin im Rahmen der deutschen EU-Ratspräsidentschaft die 5. Westbalkan-Botschafterkonferenz der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung statt.

Webinar: “Journalism in a time of pandemic, state of emergency and quarantine”

In the period between 26 and 28 May, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, in cooperation with the Association of Journalists of Macedonia (AJM), hosted the webinar titled: “Journalism in a time of pandemic, state of emergency, and quarantine – Challenges, responsibilities and a period of changes and adjustments”.

Online Workshop: Managing Digital Media

The Konrad Adenauer Foundation organized a two-day online workshop on 23 and 24 April, titled: Managing Digital Media, which was run by Ljupka Naumovska, a professor at the University of Tourism and Management – Skopje, and a general manager and founder of the Marketing Agency Honeybiz, as well as Juri Schnöller, a co-founder and CEO of Cosmonauts & Kings.

KAS/Marco Urban

Vertiefung und Erweiterung der EU sind keine Gegensätze

4. Westbalkan-Botschafterkonferenz

Alljährlich lädt die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung zur Westbalkan-Botschafterkonferenz ein. Ziel ist es, eine Plattform zu bieten für einen offenen und vertraulichen Dialog zwischen hochrangigen politischen Entscheidungsträgern aus Bundestag, Europäischem Parlament und Bundesregierung auf der einen, sowie Vertretern des diplomatischen Corps auf der anderen Seite.



The Konrad Adenauer Foundation in cooperation with "Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies" for a fourth year in a row organized the Regional Summer School 2019 on the topic “Society and Religion: Ethnic groups, Identity and Nationalism”


This project is initiated by the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation and realized in close cooperation with the Faculty of Orthodox Theology and Faculty of Islamic Science.

Gordana Siljanovska visited KAS office

The presidential candidate of VMRO-DPMNE Ms. Gordana Siljanovska visited the KAS office and met with the representative of the Foundation Mr. Johannes D. Rey. They discussed about the current political challenges in the country, the reform processes and the upcoming presidential elections.


Macedonia and Germany have close and deep cooperation and share excellent business relations, which is a stable foundation for the future it was concluded by the participants on the II Macedonian German Forum "Building Bridges-Politics and Economy".The forum was organized by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and the Institute for society research MK-91, marking the 25th anniversary of bilateral relations between the countries.


Panel Discussion

On the September 20th Foundation Konrad Adenauer and Institut for Democracy "Societas Civilis" organized panel discussion "The Role of Civil Sociaty in EU and NATO integration processes" attended by Mrs. Ursula von der Leyen, Minister of Defence of Germany and Mrs. Radmila Shekerinska, Minister of Defence of Macedonia.


Establishing the KAS Alumni Network

From 31st of August until 2nd of September in Ohrid, the event of the current and former scholarship holders from Macedonia and Kosovo took place.