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Wünsche und Visionen für Europa


Das Simulationsspiel rund um die europäischen Institutionen und den Erweiterungsprozess wird in Kooperation mit dem Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies und dem Civic Institute for International Education veranstaltet.


Leadership and Institutions: Legitimacy and the balance of power between institutions in the political system


Officials and Experts will discuss their views on the past experiences and future challenges and perspectives of the Republic of Macedonia in this field.


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The Political Academy is a joint event of the Pavel Shatev Institute, Skopje, the Eduardo Frei Foundation from the Netherlands and the International Republican Institute, USA.


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Visions and Wishes for Europe


The simulation game on European Institutions and the negotiation process will be organized by KAS in cooperation with the Centre for European Studies and CIVIC.


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Wünsche und Visionen für Europa


Das Simulationsspiel rund um die europäischen Institutionen und den Erweiterungsprozess wird in Kooperation mit dem Centre for European Studies und dem Civic Institute for International Education veranstaltet.


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Promotion of the Rules of Procedure of the Working Group 23 – Judiciary and Fundamental Rights

Strengthening the institutional and operational capacities of the Working Group 23

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung,office in the Republic of Macedonia in cooperation with the Secretariat for European Affairs and the Association Zenith from Skopje will promote the Rules of Procedure of the Working Group 23


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Judicial cooperation in criminal matters

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, office in the Republic of Macedonia in cooperation with the Association for Development Initiatives – Zenith from Skopje are organizing workshop on the topic: “Judicial cooperation in criminal matters”.


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Europe 20-20: challenges and reforms for the economy and the environment

Expert forum

The expert forum with a luncheon discussion is jointly organized by the The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS), the German-Macedonian Business Association (DMWV) and the European Business Association (EBA).


Ethnic conflict: new perspectives of the old reality

On the promotion of the 44. edition of the political quarterly “Politicka Misla” experts will discuss their views on the past experiences and future challenges and perspectives of the Republic of Macedonia in this field.


Boosting Energy Efficiency: How Can Local Communities Contribute?

Presentation of Policy Paper

The KAS, the GIZ and the Center for Research and Policy Making have the honor to invite you to the upcoming discussion and presentation of our joint Policy Paper on the topic: “Boosting Energy Efficiency: How Can Local Communities Contribute?”.

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Regional Summer School 2024

Society and Religion: Ethnic Groups, Identity and Nationalism

The Regional Summer School 2024, titled "Society and Religion: Ethnic Groups, Identity and Nationalism" was held between 17. -20. June 2024 in Skopje, North Macedonia. The event gathered 20 students from South-East Europe, aiming to explore various societal and religious issues through a series of lectures and study visits.

Europe Day 2024

Celebration of Europe Day – 9 May

On 04 June 2024 the event dedicated to the celebration of Europe Day – 9 May was organized by the European Movement of North Macedonia and Konrad Adenauer Foundation. After the welcoming addresses, a panel discussion on the topic "The European Union as a challenge and the challenges of the EU: Europe 74 years since the Schuman Declaration" was held.

Strategic planning for political change 2024


Within the framework of the excellent cooperation, KAS and Party Research and Analytical Centre "Ljubisa Georgievski” organized a three-day event intended for the top leadership of VMRO-DPMNE and the members of the Executive Committee, with the aim of discussions and strategic planning for the activities of VMRO-DPMNE in the upcoming period. The event took place from 23 to 25 February in Veles. This event also included expert presentations by numerous domestic and foreign politicians, as well as experts from the practice.

Strengthening the capacities of the MPs

Successful strategies and challenges

Based on the excellent continuous cooperation, KAS and Party Research and Analytical Centre "Ljubisa Georgievski” organized a training seminar intended for the MP group of VMRO-DPMNE, with the aim of advanced training to improve communication skills with the public, openness and transparency. The event took place from 16 to 18 February in Ohrid. This event also included expert presentations by numerous domestic and foreign politicians, as well as experts from practice.

Political Academy 2024

The Importance of effective communication in building success

From 09 to 11 February, KAS in cooperation with the Party Research and Analytical Center “Ljubisa Georgievski” organized the Political Academy for VMRO-DPMNE activists at local level, entitled "The importance of effective communication in building success". This event also included expert presentations by numerous domestic and foreign politicians, as well as experts from practice.

Movie screening "The Wannsee Conference" (2022)

On 30th January at the Multimedia Center “Kiro Gligorov” (Kinoverzum) in Shtip, a screening of the film "The Wannsee Conference" (2022) was held.

Movie screening "The Wansee Conference" (2022)

On 7th November at the Holocaust Memorial Center of the Jews of Macedonia, a screening of the film "The Wannsee Conference" (2022) was held.

Strengthening Regional Cooperation, Stability and Good Neighbourly Relations in Time of War

The Konrad Adenauer Foundation and the School of Public Policy "Mother Teresa" organized the event "Strengthening regional cooperation, stability and good neighbourly relations in times of war".

Cathedra Adenauer 2023

On 17 and 19 October, KAS in cooperation with the Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies from Brussels, Academy for European Integration - Skopje, University of St. Clement of Ohrid in Bitola and the Faculty of Law at the University "Goce Delchev" in Stip organized two lectures in the frame of the Cathedra Adenauer 2023.

Building success on local level: Strengthening the capacities of local self-government

Training for mayors

On 28 October, KAS in cooperation with Party Research and Analytical Center “Ljubisa Georgievski” organized a round table and workshops for mayors proposed by VMRO-DPMNE on the topic: "Building success at the local level: Strengthening the capacities of local self-government".